Zero Deaths From Health Supplements

(Article reposted May, 2022 from While deaths and health damage continue to rise as America increasingly becomes a prescription drug-addicted culture, deaths from vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements stand at zero. We can reasonably debate the effectiveness of many supplement products on the market today, but we cannot debate the safety factor when compared…

Colloidal Silver Misinformation

May 14, 2022 (updated); by Ben Taylor ( There is much colloidal silver misinformation and sometimes even intentional disinformation within the “colloidal silver” industry. Much of it is based on falsely making it appear that a particular manufacturer or producer has a ‘silver’ product to which no one else has access. In very few cases,…

Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of optimum health. Allergies are reported to disappear after cleanses and more with each cleanse you do! It can also eliminate shoulder, upper arm and upper back pain. Cleansing the liver, gall-bladder and bile ducts is one of the most powerful protocols that…

Maintaining A Body Healthy pH

by Briana McDonald, ( Antoine Bechamp, a great scientist once said it best; “The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”  No germ, bacteria, virus, or cancer (aka fungus) can survive in an alkaline environment. While it’s important to take note of this, it is also important to note that one can be too alkaline…

Colloidal Gold Study

Here are some recent studies done on the effects of colloidal gold in humans. This is not our research and cannot be substantiated first hand. Our product, Colloidal Gold, was not used in this research. Our colloidal gold and silver products contain no chemical or organic additives. We do not use gelatins, proteins, sodiums, iodides,…

Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of optimum health. Allergies are reported to disappear after cleanses and more with each cleanse you do! It can also eliminate shoulder, upper arm and upper back pain. Cleansing the liver, gall-bladder and bile ducts is one of the most powerful protocols that…