BY Dr. Damien Downing, MBBS, MRSB OMNS (April 6, 2024) Why? Late last year colleagues in the Orthomolecular News Service published a brilliant paper called Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine: The Bio-Orthophotonic Concept of Healing Energy [1]. This brought together a number of insights that have now become possible into how we can think about using light…

Side Benefits, Not Side Effects

A personal report by Hans W. Diel: OMNS (Feb 22, 2024) My 5-year-long self-experiment with lipoprotein(a) therapy — to cure my heart disease — has not been without side effects. [1] However, these side effects are not ones that I would ask my doctor or pharmacist about. (The familiar statement “For risks and side effects,…

Schizophrenia Is Chronic Encephalitis

by Thomas E. Levy, MD;OMNS (October 12, 2023) Orthomolecular medicine is based on the concept that most chronic diseases are ultimately initiated, and then sustained, by the chronic deficiency of one or more vitamins, minerals, nutrients, or other natural agents. When the deficiency can be lessened, the disease improves. Conversely, the worse the deficiency and…