Sinusitis | Disease Information
The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America.
Opinion 1
How I avoided my usual seasonal sinus/bronchitis infection
We live in a grove of Live Oak trees and every spring, they do their pollen thing and I first get an allergic thing and then it goes to my sinuses and then to my bronchial tubes and I get sick for weeks and some times I have to go get antibiotics and sometimes even that doesn’t work and green crud comes out for a long time and I cough all night . Well this year(1999), when I first felt a little something in my throat, I started putting colloidal silver down my throat, about a dropper or 2. and in an hour or so, it was gone. It felt that way in a couple hours again and I hit it again with the colloidal silver and it went away. That was a couple of weeks ago and now the pollen season is over and I can rest easy. Thank God for colloidal silver.
Opinion 2
I just recently tried colloidal silver for the first time. I have severe sinus infections. Nothing has worked before — I’ve tried every kind of over the counter sinus medication I could find. But after reading about colloidal silver, I tried a few drops in my nose, and low and behold, within 15 minutes the headache was gone! I couldn’t believe it! It continued to work for several weeks and I noticed to my surprise that all the sensitivity in my teeth was also gone! But last week, I started getting a headache, and the colloidal silver didn’t work; I realized the infection was much deeper and the drops couldn’t get to it so I started taking it internally. It took a few hours to work this time, but it worked! Thank God — I’ve finally found some relief from that terrible pain!
R. M. Higgins
Opinion 3
I am very grateful for finding out about the good effect of colloidal silver from your web site! I have had chronic sinus disease for over 15 years which was treated by conventional doctors with antihistamines, steroid sprays, antibiotics for the frequent infections, and surgery to remove polyps when the antibiotics no longer worked. A few years ago a nutritionist taught me that cow’s milk was a major cause of the inflammation and mucus causing sinus headaches. Changing this, and other things in my diet helped a lot! However, I was still affected by allergens and after having a cold or flu I usually came away with a sinus infection that was increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Most recently I had tried a course of treatment with a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist–which helped some until getting a slight cold which sent me back to square one. Then, while searching the web, I happened upon your site, and now feel I have found the means to be and stay well from now on! When I received my first bottle of your colloidal silver, I was suffering from severe headaches from the infection, combined with the unusually high pollen this spring. I drank two teaspoons and dripped two droppers-full into my nose before sleeping, and woke up for the first time in weeks with no headache or face pain!!! I continued to feel better over the next days, and resolved to try it for the six to eight weeks suggested for a chronic condition–both orally and in my nostrils morning and night. As I improved I told other friends who also found benefits from your colloidal silver. This week was just under three months of taking silver, and I have no sign of infection, and have regained my long lost sense of smell !!! I cannot thank you enough for being there!!! Thank you, too, for being there on the other end of the telephone to answer my frequent questions about dosages etc. I hope your company prospers to your benefit and the benefit of so many people! Again, thank you for your careful research about colloidal silver, and for providing a product and services that are so useful to people!! Sincerely,
Marion Fennell
Opinion 4
Our son (now 6) had had chronic sinus infections (at least every 6 weeks) so when he was 3 years old, we gave in and had the sinus surgery done. Well…the infections continued to crop up on a regular basis. About 18 months ago, we discovered colloidal silver!! We have been spraying it up his nose every day or 2 and this child has been free from sinus infections. He is used to the routine and knows that it is the “silver” that keeps him free from that horrible pain. It also cleared up the many clusters of warts on his fingers as a bonus. We thank the Lord for the wonderful, natural alternatives He has provided!
Catherine in East Tennessee
Opinion 5
I just wanted to let you know that I had chronic sinusitis that had gone into infections that my doctor could not get rid of. I even had sinus surgery and have used every medication over the counter and antibiotics from my doctor. That never seemed to help and just out of desperation I tried colloidal silver after reading all the testimonials thinking what do I have to lose and the first day I could not believe the affect it had in my sinuses. I had always had a bad odor inside my nose from the chronic infection and had fatigue from the sinusitis. I had first put it in a spray bottle to spray up my nose and after the first minute I could tell that it had killed all of the bacteria in my sinuses because the odor was gone! After that I started taking it orally and I feel great. I have energy and I feel happy and I don’t even have as much as a sniffle thank you all at utopia silver.
You have changed my life! And I will be sure to tell everyone about this miracle called colloidal silver!
Cured from sinus misery!
Opinion 6
For 5 years in a row, I would get a sinus infection in September, from my allergies. Three years ago, I went to the Health food store to see if I could get something for a sinus infection I had. It always would turn into bronchitis before it was done. The lady at the store suggested I try the colloidal silver. BOY……AM I GLAD TOO………. I put 2 drops in each nostril and by the middle of the next day; my sinus infection was cleared up. I love this amazing product. After reading the many things it was good for, I also put drops in my daughter’s ear, when she came down with an earache. Usually it takes 3 to 4 days of medication for her to get over an earache, and with the silver, her earache was gone the next morning. I am NEVER…without this in my home. We have not had the flu, sinus infections, sore throats, or any of the many cold related illnesses since we have had the Colloidal Silver. I would recommend this to ANYONE……. and I can honestly say……I BELIEVE IN THIS PRODUCT WITH ALL MY HEART. I am 53 years old, and I also give it to my 16-year-old daughter and my 12-year-old son. This should be advertised on TV.
Thanks and hope more people use this……..
Sincerely, Diana Bowers
Opinion 7
I just wanted to let you know about my experience with your product. I have suffered for years with sinusitis. One trip after another to the Doctor for antibiotics sent me into a tailspin. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever not suffer from sinus infections.
It was so bad a few months ago that my eyes were even effected. I was told that I was suffering from Iritis which was being caused by Corneal ulcers which were a result of the sinus infection being so bad. The antibiotic/steroid eye drops that they gave me caused my sinus problem to worsen. Well, a lady at work suggested that I use Colloidal silver. “try it” she said, so I figured why not! If it clears this sinus mess up then I’m all for it.
Well, I am all for it! I put the Colloidal Silver into a nasal aspirator and used it every morning and every evening because these were the times during the day that I most suffered from sinus pain and pressure.
It’s been almost 2 weeks now and the puffy bags under my eyes are gone, the ulcers are going away and I can actually breathe at night and not wake up in the mornings looking like I went 2 rounds with a boxer! Not to mention the fact that I have noticed better moods and more energy. I’m am convinced that the Colloidal silver did the trick. Not even the strongest antibiotics could relieve my suffering. I now take the recommended daily dosage of Colloidal Silver by mouth as well as using the aspirator.
Thank you for such a wonderful product!
Colloidal Silver Lover,
Laura Stone
Opinion 8
I happened to run into your website while looking for help for an infected tooth. I purchased your CS and have been taking it, about two teaspoons per dose three times a day, for about three weeks, plus spraying it up my nostrils 3 times a day. My abscessed tooth is cured. Chronic sinus infection that I have had for many years for which I was taking nose spray chronically is gone and I can breathe easily again. I had irritable bowl syndrome in which I would get diarrhea almost every afternoon and could not leave my home is gone and I have normal, regular elimination again. This has enabled me to get a job. I was on prilosec for a hiatal (sp?) hernia with acid reflux disease which was costing me over $100 a month and I have been able to get off this expensive medication, and only have to take an antacid occasionally, although I still have to watch what I eat. I have experienced a lot of new physical energy and vigor after clearing up these chronic problems and therefore began an exercise program, walking 45 minutes a day. I have lost thirteen pounds in the last two weeks. and have gone from a size 12 to an 8.
Joan Goble in Salt Lake City
Opinion 9
I have been using CS for two months now. CS has really helped me and my cat buddy. To start with, I had a very bad case of bronchitis and antibiotics weren’t helping. I bought CS from you and by my second bottle my bronchitis was almost gone. I have had a fungus under my toenail on my left foot since childhood and since being on CS my fungus is gone. I am so grateful to have been lead to your site. I also have had chronic sinus problems for years and was on two different prescriptions. After my first bottle of CS I could see that my sinus infection was healing, I spray CS into my nose twice daily and as of July 18th, I have no sign of infection. As for buddy, he is my Cat, has suffered with allergies and has had skin rashes since a kitten. He also has had inflamed gums. As of today and since I started him on CS he has not had one rash and his gums are healing. I praise God and give thanks to you for the knowledge you give on CS. Thank you again
Deborah Belleau
Opinion 10
I just wanted you people at utopia silver to know that I started using colloidal silver about two months ago for a sinus infection and it wiped it out but I kept taking it as a preventive.
Opinion 11
I started taking colloidal silver about 2 1/2 years ago. I use to suffer from sinusitis and chronic throat infections all the time. I can say that I have not had anything that has caused me to see a doctor since then, including yeast infections. If I start having allergy symptoms, which used to lead to sinus infections, I take a little extra silver for a few days and the symptoms go away. My husband had a real big boil that was on his back. It was about 2 inches long. I put the solution on topically and it disappeared within several days. Recently my daughter and I had a dental visit for checkups. My daughter had never seen a dentist before. She is six years old. I had not been in six years myself. We were in and out of the office in 15 minutes! He didn’t even have to scrape off any plaque on either of us. Our teeth are in great shape. No cavities! I know it is because we faithfully swish our mouths with colloidal silver after brushing our teeth. We do this both in the morning and before going to bed. I am so thankful for this product and am convinced that God blessed us with colloidal silver to cover all our medical needs. We don’t carry insurance, because of how expensive it is. Besides, now we have the best
insurance in taking colloidal silver.
Thank you so much,
Jessica McRae
Opinion 12
Thank you a million times over- I was at the end of my rope when yet another doctor diagnosed me with sinus infection. I suffered with sinus infection for a year and a half and, finally, when the allergist I consulted said that, instead, I had “atypical facial pain” and wanted to send me to a neurologist, I decided to try and cure myself. I found my salvation at your site and I am so happy to say that I have been free of sinus infection for months, now! I use Colloidal Silver as a nasal spray, and if I feel illness coming on, I’ll take a capful, day and night. I am so pleased, you will always have my order.
God Bless you all-
Donna L Ramirez
Opinion 13
I just want to tell you how grateful I am for the colloidal silver. It has made so much difference in my life. It is marvelous! I know you’ve been told many times but I’d like to say it too, that this product is a Godsend. “All good things come from above. “It is making a difference in other’s lives too. Family and friends are as excited about it as I am. God is so good and merciful. I have suffered with three forms of arthritis for years. Plus I’ve had allergies, sinusitis and chronic respiratory infections and bronchitis all my life. The arthritis is improving and the other ailments have gone back to where they came from. Glory to God! It’s wonderful to not have side effects from the medications I had been taking for years. Bill you and yours are being prayed for daily and any other time I am prompted to do so. You are blessed because you have blessed others.
I pray you continue to improve speedily. In Him,
April Wyatt
Opinion 14
I’m writing to offer another testimonial on the miraculous healing properties of colloidal silver. I have suffered from sinusitis for the past seven years. At first, I developed one or two sinus infections a year, always after a cold, and they responded fairly quickly to antibiotics, but over the years things got gradually worse. Finally, last April, 2001, I developed the sinus infection from hell and nothing I tried (and I tried everything!) had any effect on it whatsoever. The infection, and everything that goes with it, went on for ten miserable months! Anyone who has not suffered from sinusitis would probably be surprised by how completely debilitating the condition can be. For those of you who’ve been there, I don’t need to explain. Anyway, finally, in January of this year, I did a search of the internet and discovered your website. I was living in Ireland at the time, but you were willing to send me a bottle of colloidal silver, and I will always be grateful to you for that. I used colloidal silver religiously, and even so, the infection was so entrenched that it took another month for the infection to clear up. But, it did clear up! Truly a miracle!
By this time, my breathing was so impaired by scar tissue, polyps and a cyst, that even without the infection, I decided I needed surgery on my sinuses. I returned to the States, found an excellent doctor and finally had the operation a month ago to clear all the debris out of my sinus passages and cavities and have them widened. A week after surgery, I developed a major post-operative infection. Not surprising, since, according to my doctor, it looked like raw hamburger meat in there! So, I tripled my colloidal silver intake and began irrigating my sinuses two and three times a day with the regular silver. It’s now been three weeks since I developed the infection, during which time everything but the kitchen sink has made its way out of my sinus cavities, and I am happy to report that the infection is now gone.
I feel great! My sinus passages are now so wide that it feels like you could land a jumbo jet in there, and it is truly a pleasure to be free of infection and breathing normally. [DISCLAIMER: We have no documented cases of jumbo jet landings in cleared sinus cavities]
Colloidal silver has changed my life. It really is a little immune system in a bottle, as one of your other customers observed. I tell everyone who will listen about its amazing healing properties, and other lives are being changed, as well. For example, my Mom has suffered from a very painful condition called “lichen planus” for the past eight years. Periodically, she gets an ulcerated rash in her mouth, which is treated with steroid injections directly into her tongue! [OUCH!] She was going to go for another injection this week, but I persuaded her to try colloidal silver first. Three days later, she is completely free of symptoms and has been walking around saying, “It’s a miracle! It’s a miracle! This is the first relief I’ve had in eight years!” Isn’t that great?! I’m so happy for her. I feel like it was worth going through everything I’ve gone through this year, just so I could learn about colloidal silver and be able to help my Mom in this way. Other family members will follow, no doubt. Mom and I have been making a list of everyone else who would benefit from this product and we will be looking for the right time and the right way to let them know about it!
Ireland needs this product, Bill. I’m just putting this out because so many people there suffer from sinusitis (the climate is so moist, especially in Co. Clare), and they are not getting the help they need. I saw several specialists while in Ireland and they all told me I was just going to have to learn to live with my sinus condition. That felt like a death sentence. I was so depressed and unhappy. Lots of Irish people are just shuffling through life, tired and in pain because of this condition. I am not a business woman, but I know an untapped market when I see one. I have connections at an alternative health clinic in Killaloe, Co. Clare. I intend to tell them about colloidal silver and to try to persuade them to offer the product to their patients. If they’re interested, would you be willing to supply them? I’ll be returning to Ireland in July.
Thank you for making colloidal silver available, and for the newsletter. It’s a great educational tool.
Sincerely, Tara McKinney
[email protected]
Opinion 15
I just had to write and tell you my good news. My husband of almost 12 years has always had a sinus infection! I know that sounds odd but as long as I have known the man he has had sinus problems. He could never for any period of time breathe out of his nose. A continual infection has been corrected thanks to “the silver”!!! After a most serious bout with his sinuses, I convinced him to start using your product. After about a week of antibiotics from the Dr. and two to three sprays in his nose every day since he can breathe again!!!!!!!
This has been a gift from God!
Thank you,
Lisa Fine
Whittier California
Opinion 16
Dear Utopia,
I started using your colloidal blend for a sinus condition, which I have had on and off for about 12 years. I have a problem when I drink beer, wine or anything which is alcoholic. Right after I drink or a few hours later, my nose will clog up and I will loose my sense of taste and smell for weeks. So far I tried everything you can think of to better my condition, but nothing works. And I’m sick of antibiotics, it don’t work anyway. I tried the colloidal and after 2 DAYS I feel like I did before I ever got this sinus problem. Believe me, I don’t like writing letters and it would take too long to tell you what I tried, to rid myself of this sinus, but nothing has worked like the silver. I have friends and family who else tried the silver, and also had great results which last. I just wanted to thank you very much, you have changed my life in more ways than I have the time to write about.
Opinion 17
I’ve written other testimonials on how ACS [Advanced Colloidal Silver] has kept me well from sinus infections and colds and helped me through sinus surgery. It’s a miracle. I just ordered another case and never want to be without. I give it to friends and family hoping that they will discover how great it is also. Can’t praise it enough.
Thanks again.
Julie Ostoich, Sacramento, CA.
Opinion 18
I have been using Colloidal Silver for about 4 months. I feel so good I worry about scaring people. I just have so much energy I feel dangerous. (Kidding) I first tried U.S. for my sinus problem. I got tired of all the nose sprays and antibiotics. I have a great relationship with my nose now. My nose Loves me and Colloidal Silver. I will give more testimonial later.
Thank you for caring about your customers.
With thanks, Cynthia Hill
Winston-Salem N.C.
Opinion 19
My wife’s cousin got her started on using CS for all sorts of ailments. I was a complete skeptic. That is until last December. I had just been laid off and had lost my medical benefits. I awoke one morning with the worst sinus inflammation in my life. My face and my teeth ached constantly. If I bent down it felt like lead balls were trying to roll out through my eyes. Normally, I would see my doctor and he’d prescribe an antibiotic and a decongestant. But, since I had no insurance I broke down and tried my wife’s CS. I used a bulb syringe to squirt a blast up each nostril. The initial discomfort soon turned to complete relief from the throbbing face pain and aching teeth. Within 24 hours and two such applications my symptoms were gone. I am a skeptic no longer!
Steve W.
Lake Stevens, WA
Opinion 20
Greetings, I reside in Austin, TX. (affectionately known as the cedar fever and sinus infection capital of Texas). I’ve suffered with sinus problems including severe sinus headaches since my arrival in Austin in1999. I’ve had intermittent headaches due to sinuses and bacterial infections for years, but they have remained almost constant since my arrival here. The headaches have been treated through a number of local allergists and pain management specialists and treatments have included everything from NSAIDS, allergy shots, nasal drops, and high level doses of Opiate-based pain killers and potentially lethal seizure medications. Being a single custodial parent of 2 minor daughters, I could not continue on that type of regimen and maintain custody and control of my children and our lives. The problems and excruciating pain in and around the right eye were getting so dramatic that I even considered suicide at one time. I know that sounds extremely drastic, but during these cycles one will do almost anything to find relief. The sinus infections became so bad they triggered what are known as “cluster headaches” which were diagnosed by 3 local Neurologists and deemed as the worst migraine headache pain imaginable times 100. Many cluster headache sufferers have been known to actually harm themselves in an attempt to escape the debilitating cycle of pain and suffering. Well, during one of these cycles, I was at my wit’s end. I had taken Imitrex, both the nasal spray and tablets, Prednisone, and finally had to be taken to the emergency room to receive an injection of Demerol 100mg and phenegran 25 mg to get relief from the stabbing, throbbing pain. I got about an hour or so of relief, and they headaches started up again. A friend of mine who is a self-taught herbalist and homeopathic medicine student suggested I try using your product. She mixed it and put it in a nasal spray bottle that creates it’s own pressure with a small pump. She had me lay back with my head at 45 degrees or so, and sprayed the Colloidal Silver thoroughly into both sinus cavities. I waited for approximately 15 minutes, which seemed like hours, and she sprayed again. Within 10 minutes, the headaches stopped! Completely stopped! She recommended that I continue to spray the colloidal silver preparation into the nasal passages and down into the sinus cavities every 4 to 6 hours. I continued to use the spray as directed for the next 7 days. I began to evacuate the most foul smelling, dark green mucous from my nose whenever I would blow it. My face above, underneath, and behind my eyes and temple areas actually hurt whenever I would blow my nose. This continued for about 7 days, and finally the mucous became clear, the sinus infection cleared up and I haven’t had another headache or infection for over 4 months. Not a single one! I told my doctor about the Colloidal Silver treatments. He scoffed and said it was like many other types of “placebo” remedies on the market. If you think it will work, many times it will. He dismissed my recovery as my putting “mind over matter” and the body finally decided to “heal” itself. I was simply shocked by his callous attitude and the fact that he wasn’t willing to admit or even consider that treating me with various high dosage antibiotics, NSAIDS and steroids such as Prednisone and others I can’t even pronounce, experimental medicines like Topomax which is still under study by the FDA for this type of therapy, a variety of strong high dosage migraine medications taken orally, nasally and finally self-injected, and extremely heavy doses of narcotic pain medication such as oxycontin 80mg, Norco 20mg, oral dissolving morphine, and duregisic 120 mcg patches, all extremely addictive and highly controlled, weren’t working to break the “cycle” of headaches and infections and all could have been replaced by a relatively inexpensive, easy to use and self-administered product such as your Colloidal Silver preparation. I began to investigate this product, specifically for any information or reports of side-effects or contraindications. I could not find anything that would cause me concern for possible side-effects. I also found this to be compatible with all of my other medications that I take for non-headache and infection related ailments. I have since had a few friends whom I had met through his office and also suffered from allergy/bacterial induced sinus infections and various triggers for extreme “cluster” or migraine type headaches. Many have been placed on a new medication called “Topomax” and another called Neurontin”. In researching these, I discovered they were developed and are quite effective on people suffering from epileptic seizures and various types of neural brain disorders including ADHD patients. The side effects for these two medications actually filled up 1 and 1/2 pages of an insert placed in the products. They have recently been used by Neurologists in the treatment of Chronic Cluster Headache syndrome triggered by a variety of “maladies” from sinus bacterial infection, vassal constriction, oxygen depletion, blood pressure, stress, the list goes on and on. Results of the experimental treatments are monitored biweekly and reported to the American Neurological Association and AMA along with many other interested medical groups. These medicines are not even known to be effective, yet they will push these over something like Colloidal Silver. At my Doctor’s insistence, I was prescribed these medications and took them on a trial basis for approx. 60 days. They did very little to relieve the pain or constant pressure in my face and right frontal lobe area and did not mix well with the antibiotics. As far as my writing to you, beside the fact your product was the only item that helped me in over 3 years and I’ve seen it help a number of other people that I’ve recommended it to.
Sincerely, RW
Opinion 21
Hi My husband has used your silver for his sinus infection with good results. We also gave some to my brother in law with immediate results and he ordered some more right away. My question is ; if a person is medicine tested will the silver show up as a problem? A friend was interested but his company is very strict on any thing like that.
[Colloidal silver will not show up on any medicine test.]
Opinion 22
About the middle of September 2002, I bought my first batch of CS from you and started it right away. I have now completed my first winter EVER – in 51 years – without a visit to my Doctor for antibiotics!!! W O W ! NO sinus problems have arisen at all. I have a deviated sinusitis that doctors want to do ‘brain surgery’ to fix. I have always had problems when visiting hospitals in my area – I am allergic to something they clean with. I had one visit to ER for my niece who was in a car wreck. Half-hour later, I started stopping up. Immediately after coming home I filled my nose and ears full of CS, took an extra maintenance dose and went to bed. Next morning my ears were still stopped up, but one pseudophedrine fixed that for the day. By the next day, I was fine and dandy! Folks, any other time, this would have required at least one round of antibiotics. Last winter I STAYED on antibiotics all winter – October through mid June! This winter — NONE! My parents’ only visits to Doctors were maintenance visits, as well – they have been on CS since around December when I purchased my generator. Recently I was having lunch in a little diner behind our house, and talking about the miracles of CS. Your website should be hopping with Greek folks – I wrote the http for it down on napkins for several people! Words just do not come to me that praise your work with Colloidal Silver enough. So, I will just thank you by advertisement, word of mouth! So, I am going now into 7 months, doctor and medicine free. Were you the one to start Women’s Liberation? Because I am now a truly LIBERATED WOMAN! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the recesses of my nasal cavity!!!
Love and Peace!
Opinion 23
I just wanted to let you know what my experience with Colloidal Silver has been. I found your website when I was very ill with a sinus infection. I was looking for something that would bring me relief from the sinus headaches. I found your site and was intrigued after reading all the testimonials regarding sinusitis. I ordered some that day and received it very quickly. Unfortunately, by that time I was already on an antibiotic, but I did use it for the headache and it cleared the pain almost immediately. Well, that’s not the end of my story. Just a few days after I received my shipment, I had a fairly major asthma attack due to allergies. This was a sure thing to trigger bronchitis, I could feel it coming on so I started spraying the CS into my sinuses and taking 3 tablespoons a day (morning, noon and night), along with my multivitamin, chicken broth and lots of hot tea, I have avoided an infection. I am now past the danger zone. Thankfully, I have only suffered from sinusitis / bronchitis for about three years, not long at all based on some of the testimonials I read on your site. But, working part time and also home schooling my kids leaves no time for being sick at all. I am convinced that CS helped me avoid bronchitis. I will continue to use it as a maintenance mineral and will keep you posted.
Blessings, Leah
[I personally can attest to success with Bronchitis. I had Sinusitis and Bronchitis chronically ’till 1998 when I started using colloidal silver regularly. Since then I have had neither problem.]
Opinion 24
Dear Utopia:
I recently started using colloidal silver 4 months ago for my sinus problems. I have received good results with the silver but I recently discovered something else. Before taking silver, whenever I would get a fever blister it would take a good week or more for the blister to eventually go away. Well, a couple days ago, I noticed that I was starting to get a fever blister on my lip, but it just didn’t get passed the initial small bump, absolutely nothing like before. I was so thrilled not to have to deal with those nasty things and the pain and appearance on my lip. I truly believe the reason the fever blister did not manifest like it normally does, is from the silver.
Opinion 25
Sarah relates a dramatic human saga of colloidal silver vs. sinus infection:
I am almost speechless at this point – and it is very hard to get me to the speechless point! I Began taking CS in September, 2002. I have worse than awful sinuses – a deviated septum only begins to describe my nose. I had previously for 2 years been almost non-stop on antibiotics, shots of cortisone, nose sprays, and anything else people suggested, trying to be able simply to breathe through my nose! Sometime around October, 2002, things drastically changed for me. I could breathe, in other words! I held my breath this entire winter [Wow, that has to be some kind of record!], just waiting for the sinus attack that would send me back to the doctor. I kept on with my 1 spoonful of CS daily, and sprayed it into my nose on a very regular basis every day. Well, I wrote you in January, saying that even though I work every day at a day care with 6 babies who had everything you can name this winter, I never even caught a cold the entire winter, much less sinus problems! I thought every day this would change. It DID NOT! Then as spring sprung, I began dreading the pollen count. That has my entire life sent me into a tail-spin. Well, the pollen has pollinated everyone else in the neighborhood – in a bad way, too, I might add. I got a nose-full of it myself. I kept spraying the CS and taking my spoonful daily. It kept my nose going. Now I can say that I have made it through my first EVER springtime without a sinus infection! Even though it stopped my nose up for a few days at pollen’s heaviest, I made it through without a visit to the doctor, or even having to take medication, except for a few pseudophedrine while stopped up. My AllegraD is still in my medicine cabinet from my last doctor’s visit in August 2002 (Before CS, and just in case – I didn’t believe it would do what it has actually done!!!). One more time, I really do want to thank you for making your Colloidal Silver available to me and everyone else!!! I am more than pleased with your silver. By the way, my hubby, daughter, mom, and dad are all on CS as well, and none of us has even had a cold this winter. God knew exactly what He was doing when He put silver on this earth. Now we know how to use it for good, as it was intended, originally!
Thanks again!
Love and Peace!
[email protected]
Opinion 26
Lady gains strength to get off the sofa and overcomes sinus infections and headaches with colloidal silver.
I have had chronic sinus problems for the past several years. Nothing helped and my “sinus migraines” were so severe I remained in bed all day in the dark and took pain medication. I really had given up all hope.. until one day I typed “sinus” and did a search on the internet and found colloidal silver. I read all the testimonies and said, why not?? I was willing to try anything! I started taking 1 tablespoon in am and 1 tbs. at night and also added some to a nasal spray that I used about once a day. Well, I can only say that I thank God I found it. I haven’t had a migraine since I started taking CS. I miss taking it sometime and I will begin to get that familiar pain in my head and I know I have to go back taking CS again…. It really does help.
I started back on CS recently because my sinus problems started flaring up again. I am also in menopause and cannot take any estrogen due to a blot clot I had when I was a teenager. I have been having all the usual symptoms associated with menopause, especially the depression and just not feeling like doing ANYTHING. Some days I feel like I’m in a fog. Well, I didn’t realize it, but since I started back on my CS – I have been doing things in the house – I want to remodel my bathroom, you know, things I used to like to do. I also am feeling better – especially my moods. OK – yes, I still have some hot flashes, etc., but I’m off the sofa!!!
Thanks for my life back.
-CN from Texas
Opinion 27
Dear Utopia,
Just a note to let you know that I enjoy your updated testimonials each time I get one. I continue to tell people what it’s done for me. I’ve been cured of a sinus infection, my daughter has been cured of a re-occurring bladder infection that antibiotics couldn’t get rid of.
You’re coughing and sneezing and tired and achy. You think that you might be getting a cold. Later, when the medicines you’ve been taking to relieve the symptoms of the common cold are not working and you’ve now got a terrible headache, you finally drag yourself to the doctor. After listening to your history of symptoms, examining your face and forehead, and perhaps doing a sinus X-ray, the doctor says you have sinusitis.
Sinusitis simply means your sinuses are infected or inflamed, but this gives little indication of the misery and pain this condition can cause. Health care experts usually divide sinusitis cases into
- Acute, which last for 3 weeks or less
- Chronic, which usually last for 3 to 8 weeks but can continue for months or even years
- Recurrent, which are several acute attacks within a year
Health care experts estimate that 37 million Americans are affected by sinusitis every year. Health care providers report nearly 32 million cases of chronic sinusitis to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention annually. Americans spend millions of dollars each year for medications that promise relief from their sinus symptoms.
Sinuses are hollow air spaces in the human body. When people say, “I’m having a sinus attack,” they usually are referring to symptoms in one or more of four pairs of cavities, or sinuses, known as paranasal sinuses . These cavities, located within the skull or bones of the head surrounding the nose, include the
- Frontal sinuses over the eyes in the brow area
- Maxillary sinuses inside each cheekbone
- Ethmoid sinuses just behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes
- Sphenoid sinuses behind the ethmoids in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes
Each sinus has an opening into the nose for the free exchange of air and mucus, and each is joined with the nasal passages by a continuous mucous membrane lining. Therefore, anything that causes a swelling in the nose—an infection, an allergic reaction, or another type of immune reaction—also can affect the sinuses. Air trapped within a blocked sinus, along with pus or other secretions, may cause pressure on the sinus wall. The result is the sometimes intense pain of a sinus attack. Similarly, when air is prevented from entering a paranasal sinus by a swollen membrane at the opening, a vacuum can be created that also causes pain.
The location of your sinus pain depends on which sinus is affected.
- Headache when you wake up in the morning is typical of a sinus problem.
- Pain when your forehead over the frontal sinuses is touched may indicate that your frontal sinuses are inflamed.
- Infection in the maxillary sinuses can cause your upper jaw and teeth to ache and your cheeks to become tender to the touch.
- Since the ethmoid sinuses are near the tear ducts in the corner of the eyes, inflammation of these cavities often causes swelling of the eyelids and tissues around your eyes, and pain between your eyes. Ethmoid inflammation also can cause tenderness when the sides of your nose are touched, a loss of smell, and a stuffy nose.
- Although the sphenoid sinuses are less frequently affected, infection in this area can cause earaches, neck pain, and deep aching at the top of your head.
Most people with sinusitis, however, have pain or tenderness in several locations, and their symptoms usually do not clearly indicate which sinuses are inflamed.
Other symptoms of sinusitis can include
- Fever
- Weakness
- Tiredness
- A cough that may be more severe at night
- Runny nose (rhinitis) or nasal congestion
In addition, the drainage of mucus from the sphenoid or other sinuses down the back of your throat (postnasal drip) can cause you to have a sore throat. Mucus drainage also can irritate the membranes lining your larynx (upper windpipe). Not everyone with these symptoms, however, has sinusitis.
On rare occasions, acute sinusitis can result in brain infection and other serious complications.
Most cases of acute sinusitis start with a common cold, which is caused by a virus. These viral colds do not cause symptoms of sinusitis, but they do inflame the sinuses. Both the cold and the sinus inflammation usually go away without treatment in 2 weeks. The inflammation, however, might explain why having a cold increases your likelihood of developing acute sinusitis. For example, your nose reacts to an invasion by viruses that cause infections such as the common cold or flu by producing mucus and sending white blood cells to the lining of the nose, which congest and swell the nasal passages.
When this swelling involves the adjacent mucous membranes of your sinuses, air and mucus are trapped behind the narrowed openings of the sinuses. When your sinus openings become too narrow, mucus cannot drain properly. This increase in mucus sets up prime conditions for bacteria to multiply.
Most healthy people harbor bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae , in their upper respiratory tracts with no problems until the body’s defenses are weakened or drainage from the sinuses is blocked by a cold or other viral infection. Thus, bacteria that may have been living harmlessly in your nose or throat can multiply and invade your sinuses, causing an acute sinus infection.
Sometimes, fungal infections can cause acute sinusitis. Although fungi are abundant in the environment, they usually are harmless to healthy people, indicating that the human body has a natural resistance to them. Fungi, such as Aspergillus , can cause serious illness in people whose immune systems are not functioning properly. Some people with fungal sinusitis have an allergic-type reaction to the fungi.
Chronic inflammation of the nasal passages also can lead to sinusitis. If you have allergic rhinitis or hay fever, you can develop episodes of acute sinusitis. Vasomotor rhinitis, caused by humidity, cold air, alcohol, perfumes, and other environmental conditions, also may be complicated by sinus infections.
Acute sinusitis is much more common in some people than in the general population. For example, sinusitis occurs more often in people who have reduced immune function (such as those with primary immune deficiency diseases or HIV infection) and with abnormality of mucus secretion or mucus movement (such as those with cystic fibrosis).
It can be difficult to determine the cause of chronic sinusitis. Some investigators think it is an infectious disease but others are not certain. It is an inflammatory disease that often occurs in patients with asthma. If you have asthma, an allergic disease, you may have chronic sinusitis with exacerbations. If you are allergic to airborne allergens, such as dust, mold, and pollen, which trigger allergic rhinitis, you may develop chronic sinusitis. An immune response to antigens in fungi may be responsible for at least some cases of chronic sinusitis. In addition, people who are allergic to fungi can develop a condition called “allergic fungal sinusitis.” If you are subject to getting chronic sinusitis, damp weather, especially in northern temperate climates, or pollutants in the air and in buildings also can affect you.
If you have an immune deficiency disease or an abnormality in the way mucus moves through and from your respiratory system (e.g., primary immune deficiency, HIV infection, and cystic fibrosis) you might develop chronic sinusitis with frequent flare-ups of acute sinusitis due to infections. In otherwise normal individuals, sinusitis may or may not be infectious. In addition, if you have severe asthma, nasal polyps (small growths in the nose), or a severe asthma attacks caused by aspirin and aspirin-like medicines such as ibuprofen, you might have chronic sinusitis
Because your nose can get stuffy when you have a condition like the common cold, you may confuse simple nasal congestion with sinusitis. A cold, however, usually lasts about 7 to 14 days and disappears without treatment. Acute sinusitis often lasts longer and typically causes more symptoms than just a cold.
Your doctor can diagnose sinusitis by listening to your symptoms, doing a physical examination, taking X-rays, and if necessary, an MRI or CT scan (magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography).
Advanced Colloidal Silver and the other supplements we sell are not medicines and the information and opinions we offer are based upon use of these products as Dietary Supplements only. We have no doctors on staff and do not offer medical advice concerning colloidal silver, colloidal gold or any other dietary supplements. Although you may choose to supplement with colloidal silver, colloidal gold, and other mineral and vitamin supplements, we suggest that you consult a licensed physician if you believe you have a life threatening health issue. We also recommend that you do comprehensive research about colloidal silver, colloidal gold and all dietary supplements in general before accepting our opinions or the opinions of anyone else about how to care for your health.
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