by Ben Taylor (through years of research with real life & real time experiences)
As a child, my view on American Law and government was instilled in me by my father, Benjamin Weatherby Taylor, Jr.. As an anti-tank platoon leader & Tech/Sergeant in General Patton’s 3rd Army, (90th Division, 358th Infantry) he was a part of the Cotentin Peninsula invasion of Normandy, usually referred to as D-day (1 & 2). Ironically, it appears that our Taylor family (then known as Tailleur) had been a part of William the Conqueror’s Norman (Viking descendants) invasion of England. It was with this invasion that the concepts of personal land property ownership began to change in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. In fact, it was Scotland from which the word “militia” came. The root word was “milite” which was a person who was a freeholder (owner of private land).
England had long been a feudal system where only the ruling elite had true title to land and the common people had only a temporary use title. As the Right to own Property became firmly established, subservient commoners began their rise to a more equal standing with the lords and others of so-called royal blood. Eventually the Right to Property, along with the Right to Travel, the Right to Religious Beliefs, the Right to Bear Arms, and the Right to be Free in general became the foundation of the American Republic. This became known collectively as The Right to Life, Liberty, and Property. But soon elitist gangsters who had long dominated Europe and even Great Britain, (in spite of the King James and Geneva Bibles, Magna Carta and English Common Law), figured out that Roman Civil Law using legal fictions and statutory “non-law” was the way to subvert the Constitution of the American Republic. …..And here we are today with the very “government” that our Founders warned us about, …which is no longer the servant of the People, but is now The Usurper of the Rights of the People.
This is what has happened to the Land of The Free and the Home of The Brave:
As I have written and posted previously based on personal experiences in State District Courts fighting “Freedom of Speech” issues, the judicial and governmental system we are living under is in actuality the administrative proceedings of Roman civil law corporations. Every governmental agency, division and unit is set up as a separate business corporation. (Ref: Dun & Bradstreet or This illegitimate and imminently corruptible system has been imposed over our original Mosaic Law/Old English Common Law/Constitutional Republic government for the specific purpose of compromising this organic law designed to secure the Rights of the People. It is through this “legal fiction system” that government has become “master of the people” rather that the “servant of the people”. It is not the “job” of these corporations to protect the Rights of the People, but rather to enslave the People thru a plethora of hidden “commercial” contracts and to collect revenue for the corporations thus served.
Note, legal fiction is accurately and astutely defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Edition, page 904 as,
“An assumption that something is true even though it may be untrue, made especially in judicial reasoning to alter how a legal rule operates. Also termed a fiction of law; fictio juris.” It further elaborates, “ I …employ the expression ‘Legal Fiction’ to signify any assumption which conceals, the fact that a rule of law has undergone alternation, its letter remaining unchanged, its operation being modified….It is not difficult to understand why fictions in all their forms are particularly congenial to the infancy of society. They satisfy the desire for improvement, which is not quite wanting, at the same time that they do not offend the superstitious disrelish for change which is always present.” Henry S. Maine, Ancient Law 21-22 (17th ed. 1901).
“Legal fiction is the mask that progress must wear to pass the faithful but blear-eyed watchers of our ancient legal treasures. But through legal fictions are useful in thus mitigating or absorbing the shock of innovation, they work havoc in the form of intellectual confusion.” Morris R. Cohen, Law and the Social Order 126 (1933).
If you’re running for public office, ask yourself, how many classes and seminars have you been sent to so that you might understand the Constitutional Republic nature of America and to know what “The Supreme Law of Our Land” is supposed to be? Compare that with the official governmental sponsored seminars that teach that the Constitution doesn’t matter and in many cases teaches our public officials that our Constitution is to be ridiculed and even abhorred, especially if mentioned or cited in a judicial setting. Wake Up America! This Roman civil law corruption of our government and judicial system is the primary reason why America has been co-opted by evil and is falling apart around us.
C. H. Spurgeon once observed, “Free will I have often heard of, but I have never seen it. I have met with will, and plenty of it, but it has either been led captive by sin or held in blessed bonds of grace.” So the choice is not, “Should I give up my freedom so that I can submit to God?” Rather, it is, “Should I serve sin [the devil] or should I serve God?” Bob Dylan also wrote in a song, “You’re gonna have to serve somebody. It may be the devil or it may be the Lord, …but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.” Not only must the people open their eyes to the truth, but public officials must stop serving this evil system that has perverted our government!
These definitions above are the most concise descriptions of this current system of “legal fiction law”, whereby every entity of government and commerce has been “replaced in name and function” by a fictional/fake entity identity. For example in commerce, Wal-Mart is a bricks and mortar reality run by flesh and blood people, but “WAL-MART, INC” is a legal fiction entity. This places most, if not all, potential liability on the legal fiction entity rather than on the brick and mortar business and the people running it. This definition has been removed from newer editions of Black’s for obvious reasons. Once identified with “governmental unit legal fictions”, it reveals too much about the true nature of government and the mechanism through which it has conspired to steal the Constitutionally secured Rights of the People.
The same is true within government as within commerce. All brick and mortar government entities and their functions have been replaced by legal fiction “governmental units”. A “governmental unit” is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Edition, pg 704 as, “A subdivision, agency, department, county, parish, municipality, or other unit of the government of a country or state. The term includes an organization with a separate corporate existence only if the corporation can legally issue debt obligations on which interest is exempt from income taxation under national law. UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) 9-102(a)(31).” This is true from the United States federal government, to the various state, county, and most town/city governments. (Note: There are still a few unincorporated towns. I live near a “village” named Utopia; Comfort, Texas is also another.) Within both commerce and government, you can clearly identify the legal fiction entities, they are always identified by an “ALL CAPITALIZED” spelling of their names. This is considered “legal or sufficient and proper or due notice” that you are dealing with a “legal fiction” and all the nuisances and ramifications that go with it. The real organic land, plants, water, and air geographical location named “Texas” becomes the corporate legal fiction entity, “THE STATE OF TEXAS”. The geographical location named San Antonio becomes the corporate legal fiction entity, SAN ANTONIO and The County of Dallas becomes the corporate legal fiction entity, DALLAS COUNTY.
Everyone can grasp the notion and acknowledge that most business entities in today’s commercial world are incorporated. It is also evident that all government political bodies and agencies have become incorporated “governmental business units”. (Look up any government agency or unit on or Now for the part that usually stretches the mind of most people’s ability to accept. This is also where one of the greatest deceptions of government and politics the World has ever known has occurred. Simply do a search for Rules for English Language Capitalization and you will find that Proper Names (also called Christian Appellation in American & Western culture past) are the names of “real/flesh & blood people” and “real places”. The first and last names of flesh and blood people are always capitalized: i.e., Ben Taylor or Anna Mae Smith. BUT, here is where one of the greatest government conspiracies has been perpetrated. If you will notice, virtually all business documents and all governmental documents do not use Capitalization; rather what we presume to be Proper Names are actually spelled with “ALL CAPS”, i.e., BEN TAYLOR, ANNA MAE SMITH, etc. Governmental entities have created without our permission a personal “legal fiction” entity/identity for every man, woman, and child and does so at the time of birth with the “BIRTH CERTIFICATE”.
The “Why have they done this?” part is very simple. It is that legal fictions are now used with all interactions between government and “real people”. But the most insidious aspect is that the “real person” is presumed to be the “fiduciary” and possibly “surety” for the assigned “legal fiction” entity. Let me define “fiduciary” from Black’s Law Dictionary 7th Edition, pg 640; fiduciary, 1. One who owes to another the duties of good faith, trust, confidence, and candor. 2. One who must exercise a high standard of care in managing another’s money or property. It is in most cases the fiduciary who is held accountable when anything goes wrong. By-the-way, when we receive a commercial or legal notice or document in the name of the “LEGAL FICTION’ entity and we respond to that document in any affirmative way or do not protest or rebut it being sent to us, it is then presumed by virtue of “prima facie” evidence and/or “tacit assent/silent admission” that we are the contracting fiduciary for that legal fiction entity.
The most important aspect of this “legal deception” is that “legal fictions” have no God-given Rights as do sentient/flesh & blood People. Fictional entities have only privileges or immunities as granted or licensed to it by the creating entity. (Note: The 14th Amendment created a type of diminished citizenship that did not convey “Rights”, but rather granted privileges and immunities by some superior or governing authority. This amendment may in part have been preemptively acknowledging or even “creating” a future form of citizen that would have a fiduciary obligation to a “legal fiction” to be later assigned to each of us.) In this case the creating entity/authority over all corporations, both “commercial” and “governmental” is another governmental agency/corporate entity. This serves to convert all American Citizens into “fake citizens” subject to the complete and total control of the government corporation that created them.
There is a long established principle in both Common/Organic Law and Roman Civil Law that what one creates is the property of that creator, a general exception being of course if one contracts their time and effort to create a thing (even intellectual property) for someone else. This concept in statutory law is identified in Latin as “In rem. …proceedings, actions, or judgments”. All legal fiction entities are creations under authority of legal fiction governmental units or agencies. Although always unspoken and usually unexpressed, except by virtue of prima facie evidence & presumption, all legal fiction business and political entities are presumed to be under authority of and the “quasi property” of the creating governmental entity. To become a legal fiction entity/corporation, application must be made to some governmental agency, usually the Secretary of State. At its’ creation, it is theretofore owned by its’ creator, “the governmental corporation” granting it “life”. The filing applicant to that “creation” is not the actual owner, rather becomes the fiduciary and/or surety for that “creation”. This deceptive horse-shit had to come straight out of the mind of Lucifer himself! God does not create fiction, chaos, and confusion; He deals with us by truth and through reality.
It should be noted that under American Organic Law, flesh and blood individuals can only relinquish their God-given Rights by virtue of contracting them away. One person cannot lawfully force another to clean their house against their will. But two parties can agree via commercial contract (whether parole/oral or written) that for some reasonable and equitable consideration one will clean the house of the other. That is reasonable. But there are also two axioms of Organic Law, 1. God-given Rights cannot lawfully be taken, given, or even contracted away; they are attached to our very beings as men and women created in the image of God; and 2. Any agreement or contract without “full disclosure:” to all parties is by all established law considered “null & void ab initio” (void from the beginning). Governmental corporations have coerced, threatened, and tricked us into all sorts of hidden contracts without fully disclosing what they have done. Therefore almost everything they do under the “color of law” is illegitimate and “void from the beginning”.
Knowledge is Power.