How is Colloidal Silver most effectively used?

By far the most frequent questions we receive here at Utopia Silver concerning silver are, “Does silver really work?” and “How much silver must I use for it to be effective?” The first question is a moot point in any real world science; silver kills one-celled organisms (germs), period. Any opinion to the contrary is…


How is silver able to inhibit the growth of one-celled micro-organisms?

According to researchers, silver inhibits the growth of one-celled organisms by deactivating the organism’s oxygen metabolism enzymes. This action in turn, destroys the organism’s cell membranes, stopping the replication of the organism’s DNA. This is a completely natural reaction to silver by these organisms and is not chemically manipulated by man. There is also some…


If silver is such a potent anti-microbial agent, why isn’t it used by mainstream medicine to treat people with illnesses for which there may be no other help?

First of all, there is a mindset within the “medical establishment” that believes that no method or product is valid unless it has gone through their filter of approval. Some of this comes from an inherent academic and intellectual arrogance that often pervades any field or professional in which a higher level of education is…


Immunity Booster and Unnatural Cell Growth Protocol

( (1) To begin this immunity booster and unnatural cell growth protocol, put aside stressful situations in your life and past traumas behind you. Many having truly lived through bad experiences have a tendency to live in the past while repetitively rehashing either real or perceived injustices. (Psychiatry more often than not encourages an endless…



Infection Testimonials and Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. What causes a viral infection? Consider these symptoms: runny noses, headaches, muscle aches, fever, cough, croup, nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps. What do they have in common? They are all usually caused…


Inflammation and Chelation Protocol

( This Inflammation and Chelation Protocol uses Enzymes and/or Vitamin C, two of the most effective supplements available for the temporary relief of inflammation and as effective chelators. Anti-inflammation protocols are some of the most beneficial and economical healing therapies available, as almost all health issues create inflammatory responses in the body. This is not…


Insomnia and Sleep Protocol

( There can be many causes of insomnia and sleeplessness, but this Insomnia and Sleep Protocol will provide some suggestions that in most cases will heal this health, both mind and body, destroying issue. Sleep issues can very often be caused by deficiencies in any of the nutrients listed below. We have listed some supplements…
