Stomach and Ulcer Healing Protocol

( This Stomach and Ulcer Healing Protocol will usually give relief to one of the more painful conditions associated with the digestive tract is stomach ulcers, also called peptic ulcers. A peptic ulcer is a spot where the stomach lining or small intestine and the underlying tissues become eroded or damaged, leaving what amounts to…


Cardiovascular Protocol

( This cardiovascular protocol was assembled with input from Dr. Ken O’Neal ND, MD and corroborating information from “Prescription For Natural Healing” by James Balch, MD and Phyllis Balch, CNC and research done by Dr. Linus Pauling. This protocol is intended to facilitate the healing of the heart and the rebuilding of the cardiovascular system as…


Yeast Infection, Candida, UTI Protocol

( If these guidelines are followed, you can reduce or prevent the occurrence of yeast infections. If you already have an infection, then these guidelines may be essential to healing yourself from this troublesome issue. Although women experience generally worse yeast infections than men, this protocol is good for both men and women and it…


Diabetes Protocol

Diabetes is a disorder caused by nutritional deficiency and a bad diet, resulting in a problem with the pancreatic hormone insulin. Insulin controls the amount of glucose in the blood and the rate that it is absorbed. Your cells need glucose to produce energy. In people with this disease, glucose or sugar builds up in their blood…


Migraine & Headache Protocol

( This protocol is for the healing of headaches in general and migraines especially. One may be dealing with either or both, but this protocol will generally work on both. Migraines have usually been described as vascular in nature involving excessive dilation or contraction of the brain’s blood vessels. More recent research has indicated that…


Herpes and Shingles

This Herpes and Shingles Protocol is gathered from various natural healing sources and has been reported to be effective, but is generally contingent upon building a healthy immune system at the same time. Cold Sores, Shingles, and any outbreak caused by a Herpes or Herpes related virus generally stays in hibernation unless the immune system…


Inflammation and Chelation Protocol

( This Inflammation and Chelation Protocol uses Enzymes and/or Vitamin C, two of the most effective supplements available for the temporary relief of inflammation and as effective chelators. Anti-inflammation protocols are some of the most beneficial and economical healing therapies available, as almost all health issues create inflammatory responses in the body. This is not…
