Detoxification Healing Protocol

( The principal difference in this Detoxification Healing Protocol from the Immune System Booster Protocol is the intensity and amounts of supplements taken for a shorter period, …say one week. If I or a family member were faced with a forced medical procedure, the suggested protocol below might be useful. Exemption Forms Across America NOTICE:…



The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1 I just wanted to give you a quick testimonial. I have systemic Candida and ovarian cysts. I’ve been using Colloidal Silver for a week now, and am already having Candida-die off! Of course, the die-off…


Crohns Disease

Crohns Disease – Testimonials and Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1 I became aware of your site & product through a friend that is a toxicologist with a biotoxicity testing firm. He had had a severe bacterial infection of…



Cough | Disease Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. More Information From the Centers of Disease Control Opinion 1 My husband has lots of health problems 7 strokes 2 heart attacks open heart surgery has a history of allergies . He…


Common Sense Use of Colloidal Silver

By Ben Taylor MANKIND’S OLDEST NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC Colloidal silver is probably mankind’s oldest natural anti-biotic and anti-viral. As its use has increased in popularity in recent years with each new scare of a plague or pandemic, so has the controversy about its effectiveness, how to use it and how much to use. For those of…


Colloidal Silver- Super Bug Terminator

Repost from April, 2017; by Tony Isaacs, Natural Health Journalist; (Silver Bulletin Health News) A widely noted study in 2013 at Boston University finds the key to the effectiveness of colloidal silver. This study found that nano-silver particles increased the effectiveness of antibiotics against resistant “super bugs” by thousands of times. Besides demonstrating once again…
