Berkey Water Filters Sues The EPA

August 9, 2023 – New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. (“NMCL”) and the James B. Shepherd Trust, the brand owner of Berkey Water Systems, filed a lawsuit against the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) this week seeking to stop its unjustified treatment and perceived persecution of Berkey Water Filters based on the EPA’s decision this year…


Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection  – Testimonials and Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Long Recurrent Bladder Infections Let me just start by saying I am a true non-believer in everything- I do not believe in holistic, natural, or any other non-standard medicines- I…


Briana McDonald-Natural Health Writer

Briana McDonald-natural health writer and contributor to the Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine (Utopia Silver Supplements). She does free-lance health article writing as well as website and ad design. Briana’s Health & Healing Articles: (Articles in bold and underlined in red are products on our website.) The Tattoo Generation and the Lurking Toxicity to Our Health…



Bronchitis | Disease Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1  Dear Utopia Silver, I used to get a sinus infection that always ended up moving into bronchitis at least twice during the winter season.  Since taking colloidal silver I have not had either.…


Call for Root Cause Solutions Beyond Cholesterol

The Mismanagement of ASCVD: Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. Abstract We have documented the reversal of 10 cases of cardiovascular diseases, including two with up to 70% coronary artery stenosis, through an integrative orthomolecular medicine approach addressing root causes(1). This evidence supports the view that atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is…


Can colloidal silver cause Argyria?

( It is possible that some, saline, nitrate, and gelatinous “colloidal silver” products, with prolonged heavy use, could cause Argyria. The only negative association made to silver supplementation is this condition, a rare phenomenon where silver accumulates in the tissue under the skin causing a blue or grayish tint. Even then, the effects aren’t life…


Can colloidal silver cause one to feel ill?

When first starting silver supplementation, one may experience a minor “crisis” of not feeling well, similar to a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. When toxins accumulate in the blood stream from terminated micro-organisms, it may cause one to feel mildly ill and sometimes feverish. A die-off of bacteria in the colon may also result in some initial diarrhea,…
