Colloidal Silver Information

“Advanced Colloidal Silver” is simply a suspension containing 99.99% pure elemental silver, mankind’s oldest natural anti-microbial agent, in de-ionized water. We have advanced from using silver coins and vessels to preserve milk and water and deterring various plagues to now using it in a colloidal form as a natural healing supplement. Advanced Colloidal Silver is…


Colloidal Silver Misinformation

May 14, 2022 (updated); by Ben Taylor ( There is much colloidal silver misinformation and sometimes even intentional disinformation within the “colloidal silver” industry. Much of it is based on falsely making it appear that a particular manufacturer or producer has a ‘silver’ product to which no one else has access. In very few cases,…


Colloidal Silver Research & Clinical Studies

These COLLOIDAL SILVER FREEDOM of SPEECH TESTIMONIALS have been given by Real People (not legal fiction entities or pretend customers) stating their personal experiences as an exercise of their “Freedom of Speech”. COLLOIDAL SILVER is neither a “drug”, nor is it a “medicine”; it is water and mineral. It’s simply a fact of chemistry and…


Colloidal Silver Research & Clinical Studies

Colloidal Silver Research & Clinical Studies by Ben Taylor( It is a common mantra by government agencies and mainstream medicine that, “there are no clinical case studies proving the safety and efficacy of colloidal silver”. The denial isn’t limited to colloidal silver, but to silver in general for that matter. If there were an admission…


Colloidal Silver- Super Bug Terminator

Repost from April, 2017; by Tony Isaacs, Natural Health Journalist; (Silver Bulletin Health News) A widely noted study in 2013 at Boston University finds the key to the effectiveness of colloidal silver. This study found that nano-silver particles increased the effectiveness of antibiotics against resistant “super bugs” by thousands of times. Besides demonstrating once again…


Common Sense Use of Colloidal Silver

By Ben Taylor MANKIND’S OLDEST NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC Colloidal silver is probably mankind’s oldest natural anti-biotic and anti-viral. As its use has increased in popularity in recent years with each new scare of a plague or pandemic, so has the controversy about its effectiveness, how to use it and how much to use. For those of…
