Hidden Food Threat: Experts Warn of Dangers of RNAi Crops

Re Posted on Utopiasilver.com: 11/7/2024 Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder Could the next breakthrough pesticide be rewriting our genes without us knowing? Gene-silencing RNAi pesticides promise precision but could quietly alter ecosystems—and even impact human genes.   Already in our food, these minimally regulated compounds slip through safety checks, raising red flags about hidden genetic…

Why You Should Eat Two Apples a Day

Article reposted by Silver Bulletin; 12/1/2022; Benjamin Franklin was said to have advocated eating an apple every day to maintain good health. BUT maybe he should have said, “Two apples a day, keeps the doctor away!” Written By:GreenMedInfo Research Group; A recent study points to apples’ ability to mediate significant gut microbial metabolic activity. All…

Acetaminophen Linked to Autism and Other Neurological Disorders in Children

October 7, 2022 Posted By: The Vaccine Reaction; Originally published on www.thevaccinereaction.org by Marco Cáceres Citing new studies linking the analgesic drug acetaminophen (a chemical also known as paracetamol or by brand names Tylenol and Panadol) to the development of neurological conditions such as autism, attention-deficit disorder and hyperactivity in their children, women in the…

Chocolate for a Leaner, Longer Life

Reposted June 27, 2022 by Silver Bulletin Health News: Written By:GreenMedInfo Research Group Chocolate offers unique slimming and longevity benefits and serves as a natural strategy for helping to prevent chronic disease. Learn the “good” type and ideal amounts to consume for optimal health Studies point out that chocolate may not only make life sweet…