Colloidal Silver Information
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No man and hence no government working under the “revolving door” influence and direction of medicine companies has any right to dictate how we as free men and women should take care for our health. It is today as Thomas Jefferson astutely predicted, “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” This is one of the last bastions of liberty in America, but it is under constant attack and is rapidly being eroded and dismantled by the dictates of government tyranny. Such should never be accepted or tolerated. —Ben Taylor
Colloidal Silver Misinformation
Another practice in the colloidal silver marketing deception is what I call “marketing techno-babel”; the use of certain words or terms that make a product ‘sound’ as if a manufacturer or producer has a special product unavailable to anyone else. Terms such as monatomic, elemental, oxy, sol, are a few. I become a little suspicious when I am unable to find precise definitions of these terms by the manufacturers and sellers on their websites. That is usually because you would then know that it could be applied to most any other product on the market.
The term monatomic, usually without explanation, is sometimes placed on what is ionic silver. Monatomic is simply an ion or particle consisting of one atom. There are both particle silver and ionic silver products consisting of a single atom ions or particles.
Another term used is elemental silver, as if no one else uses elemental silver to make their silver product. Elemental is simply, “a material which cannot be broken down or changed into another substance using chemical means. Elements may be thought of as the basic chemical building blocks of matter.” Frankly every product on the market I am aware of is made from elemental silver.
Then we have terms such as, oxy and sol. Oxy is a short term for oxygen and of course all silver products produced in water will contain oxygen. Sol is simply another term for colloid and again most of what is called colloids simply is not because they are ionic or contain particles too large to stay in suspension in a water media.
When it is claimed that, “our product “does not harm beneficial bacteria in the body or on the skin” or “our silver kills only “bad” bacteria and leaves the “good” bacteria alone”, watch out. According to the research done by Beiersdorf (Curad bandages) and others, silver kills all one-celled organisms by deactivating their oxygen metabolizing systems. The truth is, what is usually termed “bad bacteria” is often “good” bacteria in a state of imbalance or overgrowth. Silver is not somehow programmed to identify different strains of bacteria; it is simply a metal with natural germ-killing properties. My personal experience with too much silver on the skin was during my development of our production unit. During the early stages of this process prior to its complete automation, I was not using rubber gloves and was getting large amounts of silver on my hands every day for a number of weeks. Within about 2 weeks, my hands started drying out, wrinkling, and cracking. I almost immediately realized that most of the bacteria on my skin were being killed off by too much exposure to silver. I started wearing rubber gloves and within a week my hands were back to normal.
Colloidal Silver Producers
Producers on both sides often make the claims that “only ionic silver works” or that “only particle silver works”. Both are simply misinformed statements. Silver in any form will kill one-celled organisms on contact. A large piece of silver held in the mouth or placed on a wound gives beneficial results. I know those who have placed a coiled piece of silver wire on a wound and had results equivalent to putting colloidal silver on it. I have read historically of placing a silver coin on a wound with the same results. The phrase “born with a silver spoon in their mouths” comes from the middles ages when the wealthy and their children would suck on silver spoons to reduce the chances of getting the plague. Ionic silver can also be very effective, especially externally, as long as it does not come in contact with hydrochloric acid (HCL), such as that which exists in the stomach in high concentration at meal times.
Ionic Silver
Ionic producers often claim that “silver must be clear to be a true colloidal silver” or that ionic silver is colloidal silver. But actually the opposite is true. If it has no color, it is ionic sliver and hence, it is not a colloid, since a colloid as defined above. Although this may sometimes be an intentional deception, it is usually the ignorance of those who produce ionic silver and do not known how to produce particle silver. Again ions do not reflect light, but particles do. For the color spectrum to be visible, there must be light reflected off particles. If you were in space looking at the Earth and were somehow able to deactivate the light reflection from the Earth, it would not be visible to the naked eye.
The FDA defines “colloidal silver” as “a suspension of silver particles in a “gelatinous base”. This generally defines products made with silver nitrate mixed with water and animal or vegetable gelatin. The gelatin is necessary because the particles are so large they would otherwise fall out. True colloidal products, whether colloidal silver, colloidal gold, or colloidal copper contain no gelatin, no animal protein, no chlorides, and no iodides. I seldom agree with such non-Constitutional gangster-driven and rogue governmental agencies, but here is where we may have some common ground when it comes to any concern about silver intake. There is no known toxicity caused by silver ingestion that results in any life or health threatening issues, but a cosmetic condition known as Argyria can result from excessive long-term consumption of silver. This is when silver collects in the fatty tissue under the skin. The culprit in Argyria is almost always chemical silver, usually silver nitrate crudely dissolved in water, followed by ionic silver produced in saline water.
As far as any academic debate on effectiveness between ionic silver and particle silver, I have no axe to grind, because the company I run manufactures and sells both ionic sliver and colloidal silver. Even though, those of us who make a low nano-particle sized colloidal silver sometimes over-blow its importance beyond reason, particle size and surface area can make a difference in effectiveness, especially when trying to heal systemic issues. The bottom line is it doesn’t have to be some special sounding techno-babel name to be effective. You can hold a silver spoon or coin in your mouth and derive some germ killing benefit from it.
Silver History
Historically, the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and peoples around the world throughout history have used silver in one form or another to preserve food and water. Silver has historically been one of man’s most reliable tools in supporting the immune system against various germ caused maladies, even before man knew what germs were. Miracle substance exists say a growing number of scientists and in fact has for millions of years; it’s silver.
Silver History | Miracle Substance
Silver Science
- Silver Nanoparticle Neutralization Of Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses (PDF)
- Three Ways Colloidal Silver Stops Pathogens from Causing Infection
- How Silver Works: One-celled organisms do not have an intrinsic resistance to silver’s anti-microbial actions, nor can they through mutation or natural selection acquire a resistance.
- Science of wound healing made easier by silver dressings.
Silver Research & Studies
Silver Can Heal Cancer As Effectively As Chemotherapy
Clinical Studies concerning the use of silver in various forms, from silver anti-microbial wound dressings to anti-microbial silver polymer for the treatment of venous leg ulcers to the use of ionic silver to promote healing.
Colloidal Silver Research Bibliography, assembled by the developer of Silverlon, Dr. A. Bart Flick.
If particle size is small enough, high ppm silver in animal protein is completely unnecessary
Study investigates the Potters For Peace colloidal silver impregnated ceramic filter.
University of Texas study finds silver prevents HIV virus from bonding to host cells.
Silver News & Info
- The Truth About Colloidal Silver
- U.S. Army requests help of a college professor to teach local Iraqi potters how to make ceramic filters to purify drinking water in Iraq.
- Silver earns its weight in gold for hospital patients in need of a urinary catheter.
- Colloidal Silver impregnated containers keep food fresh three or four times longer.
- Silver Ion washing machine by Samsung kills germs in the laundry.
- Staph infection breaks out in Tulsa jails, but silver arrests the germs.
- Hong Kong subways to use silver to kill germs.