NOTICE OF CUSTOMER STATUS: It is the intent of Utopia Silver Supplements, its owner(s) and employee(s) to only consent to do business with “men and women” who, pursuant to the Declaration of Independence of July 4th, A.D. 1776, are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” and all research, testimonials, and other information are also written by and intended for only such men and women.
NOTICE OF COLOR OF LAW ACTS: If any governmental entity and/or private agency and/or “official” or employee of any agency acting under “color of law” should act in a manner and or in a capacity that violates “Due Process of Law” consistent with the substantive law of the Constitutions of the State of Texas and The United States of America and The Common Law, they will be violating the “Clearly Established and Supreme Law of the Land” and are hereby given Notice that this website is private property and none of our God-given, unalienable and NON-NEGOTIABLE Rights will be knowingly, willingly and voluntarily relinquished. These Rights include, but are not limited to, the “freedom of speech”, both individual and commercial, whether given as general information, research/studies, user opinion/testimonial or as an individual, company or publisher editorial/opinion.
NOTICE OF DOMICILE: Utopia Silver Supplements is conducting business at the unincorporated Village of Utopia, within “The State of Texas, within “The United States of America” and is not within a federal territory or property and/or within the jurisdiction of any legal fiction/corporate entity that relinquishes any God-given individual Rights.
NOTICE OF GOVERNING LAW AND LEGAL JURISDICTION: The governing law of Utopia Silver Supplements, its owners, principals, employees, and beneficiaries is the Constitution of The United States of America consistent with the original jurisdiction Organic & Common Law. No legal jurisdiction, no administrative claims, no demands and/or legal presentations of any kind will be honored by Utopia Silver Supplements, its owners, beneficiaries, managers and employees without full “Due Process of Law” and full disclosure expressly agreed to in writing. We conduct our livelihood only under the herein referenced riginal jurisdiction “Common Law”, retaining all God-given and non-negotiable (unalienable) Rights, secured in part, by the herein referenced “Supreme Law of the Land”. We deny being subject to any implied trust relationships not expressly agreed to in writing with full disclosure. All administrative claims, demands and/or legal presentations must be valid on their face and comply completely with Article I, Sections 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 29 of the Constitution of “The State of Texas” and the Organic Laws of “The United States of America”
NOTICE OF BENEFICIARIES OF ORGANIC AND COMMON LAW: All customers, owners, beneficiaries, principals, and employees of Utopia Silver Supplements are beneficiaries of the Constitutions of the State of Texas and The United States of America and as such GIVE NOTICE that all God-given Rights are NON-NEGOTIABLE and unalienable.
NOTICE OF COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT: All contents and text of this website, except that of prior Copyright, are claimed by Utopia Silver Supplements, its owners, or beneficiaries, by Common Law Copyright.
NOTICE OF COMMON LAW TRADEMARK: All contents and text of this website, except that of prior Trademark, are claimed by Utopia Silver Supplements, its owners, or beneficiaries, by Common Law Trademark.
NOTICE OF COMMON LAW RIGHT TO MANUFACTURE: Any manufacturing, assembly, and/or production is claimed as NON-NEGOTIABLE Rights by Utopia Silver Supplements, its owners or beneficiaries, principals and any equipment used in production is held by Right of Common Law patent.
NOTICE OF COMMON LAW RIGHTs OF LIVELIHOOD: All actions associated with this website and all associated websites are conducted as non-negotiable Rights of Livelihood as secured by Common and Organic Law and is without the jurisdiction and authority of any “governmental” agency.
THIS LEGAL NOTICE AND WARNING will be used as Prima Facie evidence of “Notice and Warning” if any “public servant/official” violates their Oath or the Oath of Office under which they are employed to Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitutions of “The State of Texas” and of “The United States of America” and/or if any “official/employee” working for any agency violates these God-given unalienable (non-negotiable) Rights secured by this Organic Law. By proceeding with any unlawful actions, including but not limited to, any attempt to violate our right to earn a livelihood, “freedom of speech”, “freedom of religion”, you are hereby agreeing to the liability of punitive damages in your official and in your private capacities for any malicious conduct and/or deliberate indifference to any God-given and non-negotiable Rights.
NOTICE OF DEFINITIONS: We are not attorneys or legal professionals and all words, terms and/or phrases used on this website and/or in any documents generated by Utopia Silver Supplements, its owners, beneficiaries, principals, and employees are generally vernacular in nature, to be defined only by the writer and are not subject to any other “term of art” interpretations unless by expressed written approval of Utopia Silver Supplements and Ben Taylor.
FINAL NOTICE AND WARNING: A general “cease and desist” notice and demand is given to any governmental entity and/or private agency and/or “official” or employee of any agency acting under “color of law” who acts in a manner and/or in a capacity that violates “Due Process of Law” consistent with the substantive law of the Constitutions of the State of Texas and The United States of America and The Common Law. We, as free People of “The State of Texas” and of “The United States of America” are capable of and willing to bring an action under any applicable National and State Laws if any God-given, unalienable and non-negotiable Rights are subverted or violated by the words, actions or deeds of any agency or official of any agency if they should exceed their Lawful and Constitutional jurisdiction, powers and authority.
Sufficient Notice Is Hereby Given: We accept no responsibility for researching any legal fiction statutes, codes, regulations, or rules (such as Proposition 65 in California) of any legal fiction entity concerning wholesale or retail sales of dietary supplements or any other product. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each man or woman to know the lawfulness of the purchase and use of any products on our website in their country, state, territory, or governmental subdivision or legal entity. If you make a purchase from our website, it shall be considered your exercise of your Original Jurisdiction Common Law right to do so.