Crohns Disease – Testimonials and Information
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Opinion 1
I became aware of your site & product through a friend that is a toxicologist with a biotoxicity testing firm. He had had a severe bacterial infection of the sweat glands under his armpits. He had been to a number of doctors & nothing they did was working for him. He decided to to online & search for alternative treatment that would bring him some relief. He quit taking the other medicines the doctors had him on & started taking the advanced colloidal silver. His problem went away & he has not had any additional flare-ups for the past several months. He told me about the ACS & mentioned Some of the other things that the testimonials had said it helped them with. One of the things he mentioned was crohn’s Disease & since a close friend of mine has that disease I went to your site to investigate. I have since referred them & number of others to the site & several have gone to the site & ordered the product. It has helped several of them with some of the things that they took it for as well as some things they didn’t expect it to help. I saw in one of your letters that you recommended that if they decided to make their own with your equipment that they ought to have it tested by the batch to know what the silver concentration was.
Opinion 2
Dear people at Utopia Silver,
I find myself compelled to write to you to tell my story and to let other people know there is a cure. I would not usually bother to write to a web-site for any reason but something so important must be told. I am a 44yr old male, who has suffered terribly from colitis for over 3 years. I have been to many doctors, specialists etc., all to no avail. I have been subject to very painful “Barium-Enemas” and the Dreaded “Colonoscopy” twice. My Family has put up with my “Problem” as they are very loving people and they have watched and “Heard” me suffering many times. I could not work, or go anywhere with-out the fear of an accident. What has happened is nothing short of Amazing. I Live on Top of Blue Mountain, just outside of Toronto-Canada, by two hours. My son is a snowboarder, my wife and I enjoy nature and Hiking. I have been diagnosed with Severe Colitis, and have suffered awful pains and cramps for years. My entire life was affected by this disease that the doctors have told me there was no cure for and that I would be on Medication for life. I was so depressed all the time and I truly was trapped in my home. Only a person with Chrons or Colitis would know what I mean. We moved up here to Blue mountain when General Motors Closed their Scarbourgh Van Plant, and my wife shelley, lost her job at Sanwa Bank at “The BCE Tower” Downtown Toronto, when it downsized. With both our jobs gone, we decided to spend our savings and buy on Blue mountain, where I could suffer in peace. One evening only a month ago, I received a call from my sister who is a nurse at The V.G. Hospital in Nova-Scotia and she told me about something she had heard from a former patient who had suffered with Chrons/Colitis for a long time. She is not one to stray from work Ethics or conventional Medicine, and usually will argue on the medicine Company’s side. This time is different and she says as much. She tells me “Bill, I have something I want you to look into,” and I believe there must be some merit to it, or I would not ask you to do this. You know I don’t agree with home remedies but a patient I know very well “actually a friend” insists I tell you what has made her better. She went on, to cover her tracks in case it didn’t work and said, “you know how I feel about this type of self medication but you are my Brother and I know the suffering you are going through. My Friend of 25 years has completely healed her self of this dreaded disease and insists I tell you about Colloidal-Silver. I read her info and researched on my own. I trust my sister and I Have nothing to lose, so I buy 1 bottle and start with 3 Tablespoons a day. The results were almost instant. The next day, I felt better with respect to trips to the can. The following day I began to experiment with different foods, without consequence. Each day I felt better and better, and began cutting back on my meds. Now I was taking only half of what i was told. When ten days passed, i quit my meds and I cannot believe the amazing change in my life. IT is a miracle, I think not! What it is, is learning new information that has been suppressed by the Drug companies. It is understanding that Silver is the most potent Antibiotic known to man, Naturally. The Kings in the old days, had caravans of Pure Silver Barrels full of water, hauled by Oxen, to treat many diseases. This is the type of Bacteria that causes our suffering. I can only say that if you are suffering from Chron’s or Colitis, you owe it to your-self to try Colloidal Silver And get your Life back. I can’t believe it was so simple to cure myself, and I had suffered all those years. I will leave my email, so anyone may ask me questions on how long it took or any other questions you may have. May God Bless you All … President and Owner of G.B.PROPERTIES.
Opinion 3
Our son has Crohn’s . The only thing that let him live a normal life was a steroid. You can’t stay on them forever. He ended up with Pancreatitis from them, They then put him on asacol and imordal . They helped some. Someone suggested he try colloidal silver. In less than a month he was off all medicines. He takes the silver 2 to 3 times a day and it controls the pains. He now lives a normal life. If the pains start up he just takes an extra dose of silver. His Dr. sees him every 6 months. He has been on the silver 7 months. It also has helped us with colds and sore throats. I also know of a young girl in her 20’s that has endometriosis and finds the silver helps with the pain.
Opinion 4
Can CS and C Gold be taken at the same time? My grandson has had good success with the CS for Crohn’s Disease. We have read about the great emotional benefits from CGold. Since he at 16 becomes very frustrated at times – just started to date, constant diarrhea, and etc., we were wondering if it would maybe help him emotionally. Thanks for any information you can give us.
Maclene Sturgill
Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease causes inflammation in the small intestine. Crohn’s disease usually occurs in the lower part of the small intestine, called the ileum, but it can affect any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. The inflammation extends deep into the lining of the affected organ. The inflammation can cause pain and can make the intestines empty frequently, resulting in diarrhea.
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the general name for diseases that cause inflammation in the intestines. Crohn’s disease can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and to another type of IBD called ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the top layer of the liningof the large intestine.
Crohn’s disease affects men and women equally and seems to run in some families. About 20 percent of people with Crohn’s disease have a blood relative with some form of IBD, most often a brother or sister and sometimes a parent or child.
Crohn’s disease may also be called ileitis or enteritis.
What causes Crohn’s disease?
Theories about what causes Crohn’s diseaseabound, but none has been proven. The most popular theory is that the body’s immune system reacts to a virus or a bacterium by causing ongoing inflammation in the intestine.
People with Crohn’s disease tend to have abnormalities of the immune system, but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or result of the disease. Crohn’s disease is not caused by emotional distress.
What are the symptoms?
The most common symptoms of Crohn’s disease are abdominal pain, often in the lower right area, and diarrhea. Rectal bleeding, weight loss, and fever may also occur. Bleeding may be serious and persistent, leading to anemia. Children with Crohn’s disease may suffer delayed development and stunted growth.How is Crohn’s disease diagnosed?
A thorough physical exam and a series of tests may be required to diagnose Crohn’s disease.
Blood tests may be done to check for anemia, which could indicate bleeding in the intestines. Blood tests may also uncover a high white blood cell count, which is a sign of inflammation somewhere in the body. By testing a stool sample, the doctor can tell if there is bleeding or infection in the intestines.
The doctor may do an upper gastrointestinal (GI) series to look at the small intestine. For this test, the patient drinks barium, a chalky solution that coats the lining of the small intestine, before x rays are taken. The barium shows up white on x-ray film, revealing inflammation or other abnormalities in the intestine.The doctor may also do a colonoscopy. For this test, the doctor inserts an endoscope–a long, flexible, lighted tube linked to a computer and TV monitor–into the anus to see the inside of the large intestine. The doctor will be able to see any inflammation or bleeding. During the exam, the doctor may do a biopsy, which involves taking a sample of tissue from the lining of the intestine to view with a microscope.
If these tests show Crohn’s disease, more x rays of both the upper and lower digestive tract may be necessary to see how much is affected by the disease.
What are the complications of Crohn’s disease?
The most common complication is blockage of the intestine. Blockage occurs because the disease tends to thicken the intestinal wall with swelling and scar tissue, narrowing the passage. Crohn’sdisease may also cause sores, or ulcers, that tunnel through the affected area into surrounding tissues such as the bladder, vagina, or skin. The areas around the anus and rectum are often involved. The tunnels, called fistulas, are a common complication and often become infected. Sometimes fistulas can be treated with medicine, but in some cases they may require surgery.
Nutritional complications are common in Crohn’s disease. Deficiencies of proteins, calories, and vitamins are well documented in Crohn’s disease. These deficiencies may be caused by inadequate dietary intake, intestinal loss of protein, or poor absorption (malabsorption).
Other complications associated with Crohn’s disease include arthritis, skin problems, inflammation in the eyes or mouth, kidney stones, gallstones, or other diseases of the liver and biliary system. Some of these problems resolve during treatment for disease in the digestive system, but some must betreated separately.
What is the treatment for Crohn’s disease?
Treatment for Crohn’s disease depends on the location and severity of disease, complications, and response to previous treatment. The goals of treatment are to control inflammation, correct nutritional deficiencies, and relieve symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. Treatment may include medicines, nutrition supplements, surgery, or a combination of these options. At this time, treatment can help control the disease, but there is no cure.
Some people have long periods of remission, sometimes years, when they are free of symptoms. However, the disease usually recurs at various times over a person’s lifetime. This changing pattern of the disease means one cannot always tell when a treatment has helped. Predicting when aremission may occur or when symptoms will return is not possible.
Someone with Crohn’s disease may need medical care for a long time, with regular doctor visits to monitor the condition.
The doctor may recommend nutritional supplements, especially for children whose growth has been slowed. Special high-calorie liquid formulas are sometimes used for this purpose. A small number of patients may need periods of feeding by vein. This can help patients who need extra nutrition temporarily, those whose intestines need to rest, or those whose intestines cannot absorb enough nutrition from food.
Some people who have Crohn’s disease in the large intestine need to have their entire colon removed in an operation called colectomy. A small opening is made in the front of the abdominal wall, and the tip of the ileum is brought to the skin’s surface. This opening, called a stoma, is where waste exits the body. The stoma is about the size of a quarter and is usually located in the right lower part of the abdomen near the beltline. A pouch is worn over the opening to collect waste, and the patient empties the pouch as needed. The majority of colectomy patients go on to live normal, active lives.Sometimes only the diseased section of intestine is removed and no stoma is needed. In this operation, the intestine is cut above and below the diseased area and reconnected.
Because Crohn’s disease often recurs after surgery, people considering it should carefully weigh its benefits and risks compared with other treatments. Surgery may not be appropriate for everyone. People faced with this decision should get as much information as possible from doctors, nurses who work with colon surgery patients (enterostomal therapists), and other patients. Patient advocacy organizations can suggest support groups and other information resources.
People with Crohn’s disease may feel well and be free of symptoms for substantial spans of time when their disease is not active. Despite the need to take medication for long periods of time and occasional hospitalizations, most people with Crohn’s disease are able to hold jobs, raise families,and function successfully at home and in society.
Can diet control Crohn’s disease?
No special diet has been proven effective for preventing or treating this disease. Some people find their symptoms are made worse by milk, alcohol, hot spices, or fiber. People are encouraged to follow a nutritious diet and avoid any foods that seem to worsen symptoms. But there are no consistent rules.
People should take vitamin supplements only on their doctor’s advice.
Is pregnancy safe for women with Crohn’s disease?
Research has shown that the course of pregnancy and delivery is usually not impaired in women with Crohn’s disease. Even so, women with Crohn’s disease should discuss the matter with their doctorsbefore pregnancy. Most children born to women with Crohn’s disease are unaffected. Children who do get the disease are sometimes more severely affected than adults, with slowed growth and delayed sexual development in some cases.
Advanced Colloidal Silver, Colloidal Gold and the other supplements we sell are not medicines and the information and opinions we offer are based upon use of these products as dietary supplements only. No statements contained on this website or in any material or communication generated by Utopia Silver Supplements are to be construed as claims or representations that any of our products are offered as medicines for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease. We recommend that you do comprehensive research about colloidal silver, colloidal gold and all dietary supplements in general before accepting our opinions or the opinions of anyone else about how to care for your health.
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