Flu | Disease Information
The following information is presented as an expression of free speech for viewers in The United States of America.
Opinion 1
I did some research on the Utopia site and I decided to order a few bottles. I figured I would keep them at hand in case of a tooth infection, etc. Well, thank god I had the silver because three weeks ago when the “swine flu” broke out here in NY, my whole family got it. I immediately gave them the Utopia Silver and they were all back to normal within two days. I know it was swine flu because it was confirmed by a doctor, through a nose swab. I can’t be without Utopia Silver ever again. I never believed it would work like that. It’s amazing stuff and now I always have it in stock. I have told everyone I know and I urge everyone to please buy it. It can really save your life. Thank you Utopia Silver !!!!!!!
New York, NY
Opinion 2
I have been taking colloidal silver now for over 3 years. I used to get 2 or 3 colds a year and whichever strain of flu that was going around. In the last 3 years, I have had no sickness of any kind. I take a daily dose of about 1 tbsp of 20 ppm solution.
Opinion 3
I was still affected by allergens and after having a cold or flu I usually came away with a sinus infection that was increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Most recently I had tried a course of treatment with a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist–which helped some until getting a slight cold which sent me back to square one. Then, while searching the web, I happened upon your site, and now feel I have found the means to be and stay well from now on! When I received my first bottle of your colloidal silver, I was suffering from severe headaches from the infection, combined with the unusually high pollen this spring. I drank two teaspoons and dripped two droppers-full into my nose before sleeping, and woke up for the first time in weeks with no headache or face pain!!! I continued to feel better over the next days, and resolved to try it for the six to eight weeks suggested for a chronic condition–both orally and in my nostrils morning and night. It works and I am now free from these ailments.
Thank you,
Marion Fennell
Opinion 4
Just want to give you a few examples of how CS has helped me & my pets. I have stopped cold & flu symptoms countless times, never developing a full-blown infection.
May God bless you.
Angie Richter
Opinion 5
I have been using colloidal silver for 2 years now. It’s great!! I have gotten about 80 people to use it too. I haven’t been sick or had a cold since i began taking it daily.(2 yrs) I take about one tablespoon every morning. When I feel a sore throat starting, I put drops up my nose. My family and friends have “cured” so many things it is impossible to list Them all.
Cal Ferguson
Opinion 6
Thank you for your note sharing about your almost bout with the old “flu” bug. It came just in time for me to gain from your wisdom. You see, I had gotten up that morning with this “yuk” feeling and a scratchy throat. I’d been surrounded by the flu bug but as yet hadn’t gotten it, and thanks to God and the wisdom he’s given you….I still don’t have it! I started taking the hourly dose you shared, sprayed my throat hourly and put drops in my nose as well. I’m delighted to say that I’m absolutely fine. No signs of that nasty feeling nor the sore throat. Colloidal Silver works and I’m so thankful!
Blessings to you, keep up the good work! Sandra Duckwitz
Poughkeepsie, NY
Opinion 8
I could write volumes about CS in our lives!! — I began using it out of curiosity about 5 years ago, but I had had no idea that it could work on so many things! We used it as a topical spray for cuts and burns. Worked overnight to heal! I was amazed! A house guest was scratched badly in the face by one of our overly exhuberant dogs one evening. It looked very bad, but she didn’t want to go to the doctor, and she had to show up for work the next morning. I sprayed CS on the long sore across her cheek. Next morning she went to work. the scratch was hardly noticeable and did not leave a scar! both my friend and I were “hooked”. and we paid over $22 for 4 oz of this “miracle water”.
A few months ago I found your site and was so pleased that I could buy it for less and still get the “good stuff”!
Now I find out that CS is even more mighty! This awful flu that came though this year made my aunt very ill! but barely grazed me, and didn’t touch my son. difference? You guessed it! Auntie was not taking CS, I only used it after I found I had the symptoms. My son had been taking a tsp. per day for another problem he had .
Thanks for “being there” to supply our needs! You (and the sliver!) are an answer to many prayers!
Opinion 9
My family has been using CS for about 2 years now. I bought your generator and TDS tester so have been making CS for my family, friends and even a little to sell. Essentially I get my CS for free if I sell a little on the side.
We have had great results with CS. A few examples: My mother-in-law cured toe nail fungus, so did a friend of hers, cured eye infections, cured infected cuts and scrapes. It seems to be extremely effective when used topically.
I have also used it to cure sore throats. I work outside and would get a sore throat 4 to 5 times a year which needed antibiotics to clear up. But the antibiotics were hard on my digestive system. Since I found CS when I get a tickle in my throat I lay down and hold CS in the back of my throat for a couple a minutes 2 -3 times a day. In a day or two no more tickle, and no sore throat.
We have not had colds or flu in our house in over a year. At the first sign of a cold we increase our daily dose from 1/2 tsp once a day to 1/2 tsp 2-3 times a day. We may get some minor symptoms but never a full blown cold.
I have a friend who runs a day care in her home. She used to have problems with the kids sharing colds, runny noses etc.. Now she give each a few drops of CS in their mouths each day and no more runny noses.
Feel free to contact me about these “cures”.
Thanks for sharing CS with us.
Ron in North Dakota
Opinion 10
Hi, I have been using CS for many years. Mostly for cold prevention ear and eye infections and stomach problems. I recently subscribed to your newsletter and have gotten other great ideas from your newsletter. I would like to share a recent discovery that CS has done for me. I had my ears peirced about 15 years ago. From some reason though I was never able to wear earrings without discomfort even though the holes were fine. I would go without earrings for months at a time but as soon as I put a pair in, my ears would ooze and become very painful. I tried different types of metals including the ones they said were for sensitive ears but nothing worked.
This past May I had a brainstorm. Why dont I try CS. So for about three days after I put my earrings in I would dab some CS on my ears. Well needless to say I have been wearing earrings comfortably for several months now with no problems, pain or irritation. What a blessing CS is. I pray for the day the medical community wakes up and realizes what a wonder CS is.
Thanks Kim NJ
Opinion 11
I was in GA this summer visiting — I got a bad cold, my sinus were acting up i was congested
I would place drops of cs in nostrils to clear — it worked i was able to sleep— i also used for my sore throat — it helped clear throat phlegm and cured the discomfort also, i went swimming in the swimming pool and got a terrible conjunctivitis in the right eye– my eye was red, painful and burning thank god I had a small amount of cs left!! I placed it in my eye and immediate relief followed.
The red and pain began to diminish and by the next night it was clear. I was so glad i thought of taking the cs with me.
So there’s a suggestion:
never leave home without your CS
Opinion 12
Hi, This finds me well, much better than before I started the CS, blood
pressure is better than it’s every been. Haven’t had any yeast infection all summer. Feel better. Seems to curb my eating considerable when using CS. Best fluid reducer have ever found. A few weeks ago my son, who works in a peanut mill, where the dust is unreal, came down with a sore throat and cold. His 20 month old daughter had the cold too. He carried her to the doctor, and the gave her medicine and him an order for pills. His daughters medicine cost pretty much and the pill the doctor ordered for him were 6 tablets for $40.00. He got his daughter’s, but passed on his. Later in the afternoon I met him in town and carried him the remainder of a bottle of CS I had been using. He didn’t think it would work, but he took the bottle with him and that night he took a teaspoon full, the next morning a teaspoon full and the next night, we kept telling him to continue to take. On the third morning, his cold and throat was better and by the fourth day it was gone. I just got a shipment of CS in and my son carried an 8 oz bottle home with him for colds and emergencies. He also was doing some welding at the job and had the hot sparks burn him, he put the CS direct on to the burns and they didn’t even blister and they heal straight up. This morning I awoke with a sinus condition, took 2 teaspoons and have been on a run all day getting rid of the fluid that my body has built up, tonight feel much better. The CS is very good. Good for boils, and much more.
Tex from Texas @ e- mail [email protected]
Opinion 13
I am a mother of 5 children….3 grown & 2 young still at home plus 1 grandchild. When a cold hits our home, it really makes the rounds but now that I make our Colloidal Silver & we have plenty to go around, a cold is very short-lived & we are much more comfortable while we have one. It opens up nasal passages & takes the pain out of sore throats immediately! Every time we get to feeling poorly, we take a dose. My folks saw the results & are using as well now. We probably wouldn’t get colds at all if we could keep up a daily dose but that’s kids for ya…they only want to take it when they’re miserable! =-) We’ve also had great results with skin rashes & burns…takes the pain & itching right out & heals fast! And you know I got to putting a capful in our dogs water dish just to keep the bacteria level down & the water stays clean & fresh & he loves it…I hope it keeps his system cleaned out as well.
Shirley Gipe Polson, Montana
Opinion 14
Here’s a testimonial some people may not believe. I have been using Colloidal Silver now for about 15 years. My in-laws every year tell me to get my flu shots. I have never had a flu shot. I have never gotten the flu in 15 years, and I have never had a cold in 15 years. Must be something to this stuff ? Oh yes, my in-laws get the flu and colds every year even with the shots. I’ve only been to a Doctor once in the last 15 years also. That was for a 3rd degree burn on my foot. I only went because people said if I got infection I might lose a foot. I had been spraying Colloidal Silver on it. The Doctor looked at it, wrapped it up and said whatever your doing keep it up. The skin is growing back. I don’t even have a scar of any kind. If only more people were believers, we would have a lot less sickness.
J.B. Panguitch, Utah
Opinion 15
I learned something very important about colloidal silver. I used to get a pleurisy spot between my rib cage and lung, for the last twenty years. It was like someone was sticking a knife in my rib cage. Five years ago I heard about colloiadal silver. I took it for two days and it seemed like it was totally cleared up. So I quit taking it..!!! bad move. Within five days the pain started coming back. I never realized that the eggs of the parisites were starting to hatch. I guess there just doing what there parents did. In two days, the pain was gone again, only this time for good. Since that time five years ago, I’ve taken a maintenance dose daily (one tablespoon).My family and myself have not had a sick day since (colds, flu allergies etc.) since we’re all on c.s.
Thank you Colloidal Silver !!!!
Harry Bray
Opinion 16
This past Thursday, 13 Dec, I started a sore throat and congested, runny nose, the onset of a cold. I began to use CS, by dropper, in nose and throat, and did so throughout day and night. It is now Sunday and I am symptom free. What do you think of that? In the past, when this happened, the intensity was much more severe, lasting for 7+ days. Since I have also been taking CG during this time, could this have been an influence as well? This kind of happening is hugh for me.
Thank you!
Harry Adler
Opinion 17
I started taking cs one year ago. I took the interferon for 3 months and became very aggressive and depressed. My white blood count went down so far I decided to stop. I have researched everything until I found your website. I have hep c and have been taking cs and have had great enzyme counts and rarely feel fatigued even if I am stressed. From time to time I let myself run out of it. After about a week I will get a cold or sinus infection. I have been having night sweats and my doctor suggested it was the cs and I just went along with her. I now have cut out late night carbs and the night sweats have disappeared. I knew she was skeptical and she sent me an article that was negative but it was the colloidal minerals which has really helped my dad. I plan on requesting a viral count next visit and will follow up. I really enjoy getting the emails weekly.
Thanks and god bless,
Opinion 18
Dear Utopia Silver & Denise:
I would like to tell you of my WONDERFUL experiences with Advanced Colloidal Silver
I used to catch colds, sinus infections, pneumonia and bronchitis at the drop of a hat – so far, so good; not bad for living in Montana!
Janice Wolak