Understanding Colloidal Silver

August 12, 2022; by Paul Fassa, Natural Health Journalist; (Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine) You are no doubt somewhat aware of colloidal silver maybe you’re wondering why colloidal silver is sold as a supplement only instead of using colloidal silver as the powerful antibiotic and anti-viral it is. For starters, with understanding colloidal silver keep in…

Silver and Sulfur From the Air

May 13, 2022; by Ben Taylor (Silver Bulletin Health News) Over a period of seven or eight years we periodically encountered an issue that took us several years to figure out. Occasional batches of our colloidal silver product would have a slight smell and taste of sulfur. Some customers even described it as a “fishy”…

Colloidal Silver- Super Bug Terminator

Repost from April, 2017; by Tony Isaacs, Natural Health Journalist; (Silver Bulletin Health News) A widely noted study in 2013 at Boston University finds the key to the effectiveness of colloidal silver. This study found that nano-silver particles increased the effectiveness of antibiotics against resistant “super bugs” by thousands of times. Besides demonstrating once again…

Silver’s Use for Many Antiseptic and Purification Applications is Growing

Silver Bulletin Health News repost May, 2022; by Paul Fassa (Health Journalist- Dateline: Arizona, USA); The antiseptic and disinfectant power of silver has impacted many areas of mainstream medical instruments and other non-medical commercial applications. Almost none of these silver antiseptic and disinfectant applications are considered controversial, they’re even FDA approved! Let’s examine the medical…

Key Effectiveness Colloidal Silver

April 3, 2017; by Tony Isaacs, Natural Health Journalist; (Silver Bulletin Health News) A widely noted study in 2013 at Boston University finds the key to the effectiveness of colloidal silver. This study found that nano-silver particles increased the effectiveness of antibiotics against resistant “super bugs” by thousands of times. Besides demonstrating once again the…

Colloidal Silver Misinformation

May 14, 2022 (updated); by Ben Taylor (UtopiaSilver.com) There is much colloidal silver misinformation and sometimes even intentional disinformation within the “colloidal silver” industry. Much of it is based on falsely making it appear that a particular manufacturer or producer has a ‘silver’ product to which no one else has access. In very few cases,…