
Rosecea – Testimonials and Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1 Dear A few days ago, a dear friend of ours, Portia Battista, also living here in Vegas, related to you my apparent success, at least at this point of being…


Sinusitis | Disease Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1 How I avoided my usual seasonal sinus/bronchitis infection  We live in a grove of Live Oak trees and every spring, they do their pollen thing and I first get an…

Sun Burn

Sun burn | Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1 I have been using colloidal silver for 2 years now. It’s great!! I have gotten about 80 people to use it too. I haven’t been sick or had a cold…


Acne | Disease Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Acne Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne, making it the most common skin disease. Although acne is not a serious health threat, severe acne can lead to disfiguring,…


Asthma | Disease Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1  Here is a really unusual and complex testimony, so read carefully. I am 54 years old and have had chronic Bronchial Asthma since childhood. When I was 8 years old, the allergist…


Bronchitis | Disease Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1  Dear Utopia Silver, I used to get a sinus infection that always ended up moving into bronchitis at least twice during the winter season.  Since taking colloidal silver I have not had either.…

Cedar Fever

Cedar fever | Disease Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1  Hello,  Received the box of my colloidal silver generator last week. Thanks for getting it so quickly sent. I have a question for you. I have a herb shop…


Colitis | Disease Information The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1  Dear people at Utopia silver, I find myself compelled to write to you to tell my story and to let other people know there is a cure. I would not…


The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America. Opinion 1 I just wanted to give you a quick testimonial. I have systemic Candida and ovarian cysts. I’ve been using Colloidal Silver for a week now, and am already having Candida-die off! Of course, the die-off…