Asthma | Disease Information
The following information is presented as an expression of “free speech” for viewers in The United States of America.
Opinion 1
Here is a really unusual and complex testimony, so read carefully.
I am 54 years old and have had chronic Bronchial Asthma since childhood. When I was 8 years old, the allergist told my mother (God rest her soul), “He (me) is allergic to cats and cigarette smoke. If you don’t stop smoking and get rid of the cat, he will develop Bronchial Asthma. Guess what? She didn’t and I did.
Here I was, 46 years later coughing up tons of phlegm every morning and barely able to breathe. I had to use asthma spray constantly (both prescription and over the counter). On the label it says not to use it if you have any prostate problems or incontinence. After many years of use, the spray caused night incontinence. I had a choice, either breathe or do laundry every morning. Since I am alive to write this, you guessed it, I do a lot of laundry. This was a quandary.
THANK GOD!! along came colloidal silver! I started using it regularly and at any sign of congestion and soon was using less and less asthma spray and less and less laundry soap – a double savings.
I know this story sounds far fetched and I do not know why or how it works, but I would not be without colloidal silver.
Opinion 2
My husband heard of colloidal silver from a family member and was amazed by this wonder mineral and all it can do for us. We all take our daily dose including our daughters, ages 8 and 4. We have not had any colds or flues since taking the silver about 8 months ago and my husband has not had his allergies this season. My 8 year old had asthma and has not used her inhaler for months now! We feel great and want to share this discovery with all our loved ones……..
Mrs. A
Opinion 3
Dear ,
My sister’s two youngest children are asthmatic and did not have a single attack as long as they were drinking the CS.
Kasi Hartman
Opinion 4
I am a 38 year old women who was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 18. For 20 years I have had bronchitis and sinusitis every Jan, Feb, or March along with a nagging dry cough. One day after going to a Smokey environment the night before (a night club), I sat in my easy chair and prayed to God to please heal my lungs because they were very irritated from the night before. Later that evening, I was surfing on the internet and looked up Bronchitis and Sinusitis because I was sure I was coming down with it, as usual, being that it was January. I observed a testimony on Advanced Colloidal Silver that claimed it helped someone’s asthma. Although a skeptic, out of desperation I ordered a bottle of the Advanced Colloidal Silver. I received it about three days later in the mail. After taking one teaspoon, the very next day I noticed that I could breathe 90% better than the previous day. I continued to take the Advanced Colloidal Silver for a week. Two weeks later I went to my pulmonologist as I had made an appointment the morning my lungs were severely irritated. They X-rayed my lungs and did three hours worth of tests on my lungs and when the doctor came in to see me after reviewing my test results, he told me I had outgrown my asthma. He told me to stop taking both of my asthma medications, Singulair and Proventil, and to come back in two weeks. (He made sure I still had an albuterol sprayer in case his machine was wrong, He stated there was a 5% chance his machines test results was wrong). He also told me to do the peak flow meter twice a day, morning and at night and to chart my results. Well, I did and two weeks later when I returned he said it was confirmed that my asthma was gone. My testimony is two-fold. One is having faith in the Lord. I asked him to heal me and I feel he guided me to Colloidal Silver. It has changed my life and is saving me a lot of money on asthma prescriptions that I no longer have to pay for. Thank you God in the name of Jesus and thank you to the Colloidal Silver people. God bless all of you. I am now ordering a bottle for my mother and when I spoke to the Colloidal Silver people and told them what happened to me, they asked me to send in my testimony, so here it is and may all who read this become blessed with good health.
Opinion 5
I just wanted to share with everyone the benefits of colloidal silver in my life, especially since the older I get, the more I seem to suffer from allergies. Not just the traditional seasonal allergies, but also allergies to nickel, antibiotics and the pollution in the air! My uncle in Tennessee, who happens to suffer (but not anymore since C.S.!) with Hep-C, was the one who “turned me onto” Colloidal Silver. As I am a school bus driver, I am subjected to all kinds of pollution, which would get the sinusitis started, which promptly turned into Bronchitis and sometimes, went immediately into Pneumonia. But my first clue that the sinusitis was just around the corner, was I would have trouble breathing–I just couldn’t get that air down into my lungs! It usually was 24 hours before I could get in to see my doctor, and by that time, I was really sick! And he would inform me that I had Asthmatic Bronchitis, so would start the regimen of Prednisone, Albuteral inhalers, sometimes the Nebulizer treatments and an injection of Decadron along with the antibiotics. I’d have to say, that within 3 or 4 bouts of Asthmatic Bronchitis, now I was developing an allergic reaction to some of the more commonly prescribed antibiotics. Not only did I now look like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, but now I was an itching, hive incrusted Rudolph who couldn’t breath and wheezed her way into her doctors office! In the fall of 2000, I was experiencing the “Rudolph” phase again, but this time it was pneumonia–but a mild form. The prednisone wasn’t working, so my friendly doctor “upped” the dosage to 20mg tabs, but the injection of Decadron wasn’t working either. By the time I got through the illness, I was one wiped out puppy. Just as I was finishing my prescription regimen, it was my Tennessee uncle who suggested that I try the Colloidal Silver. To make a long story short, I was so physically tired from fighting the illness that I had no energy to do the smallest of tasks—and I wasn’t sleeping well either. C.S. finished the job that the Rx’s had started—I quit coughing, breathed better, slept better, worked my way (literally) through 2 more bouts of Sinusitis WITHOUT making a visit to my doctor and without developing Asthmatic Bronchitis or Pneumonia!!! End of story? No, not yet. Before I had a chance to re-order the silver………you guessed it, I was sick again. My computer crashed and burned and my only alternative was to go and see my family doctor. And you know what he prescribed………the usual regimen. Getting down to the last day or two of the Prednisone, I hadn’t been sleeping because of all the Albuteral and I was still wheezing. But to make matters worse, when I would lay down, my heart would start pounding—-I felt like I had just finished the Ironman Triathalon! After 2 weeks of feeling like this, and after an admission to the hospital, where they did all of the traditional testing for someone with heart problems (of which I was given the good news that my heart is indeed, a very healthy one!) I ordered my silver. Since then, it’s been about 1 month and a half since all of these events, and I FEEL WONDERFUL!!!!!! I will not do without my Silver again, EVER!!!! I’ve also had a few other little things bother me, like an infected cyst, a fungus under my toenails and a little skin cancer on my arms and face that the Colloidal Silver seems to have under control. There is nothing more frightening than not to be able to get a good deep breath of air into your lungs……except when you have to pay $110.00 for one Albuteral inhaler! All I can say is, once you start the colloidal silver and you see that it works for you, and all of the prescription medicines aren’t, – never be caught without it!!!!
Signed, A School Bus Driver whose an Ex-Rudolph, THANKS to Colloidal Silver!!! Annette
Opinion 6
We, as a family believe this [colloidal silver] is not a replacement for required medical treatment, but our contention is, it works. It provides the body with what it lacks when it fights to recover from anything. My son’s asthma has subsided tremendously as it helps prevent upper respiratory infections. He is now off of all prescription meds and maintains it naturally, also using the colloidal silver in his breathing machine when needed. There is so much more. I could go on for days of how this has helped my family for 7 years.. so it is best said we back it 100%, so don’t wait til you’re on the edge of health calamities. Love yourself and do it now!
Opinion 7
I have used your product in the past to get rid of constant sinus infections, and your product worked real well. I also have asthma and was wondering if you had heard of anyone putting the colloidal silver in a nebulizer for inhalation into the lungs so the silver can kill any bacteria in the lungs. This sounds like it may work fine. What do you think???
Danny S
Opinion 8
Hi, I wanted to report on my use of colloidal gold and Utopia Silver. I have been taking both for 48 days. I am taking them both for a couple of reasons. I had a total hysterectomy at the end of Oct. 2002, and had bad reactions to all the HRT (hormone replacement therapy) they have prescribed; therefore I am on none. I started getting “moody”, if you know what I mean, because of no hormones and I put myself on the gold and silver. Immediately I felt much happier, laughing all the time, smiling, and no moodiness. I also have asthma, the kind that is triggered by colognes, perfumes, chemical smells, cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, etc. I was using my inhaler 3 times a day before going on the gold and silver. I had been on silver by itself for a few months prior. As soon as I went on the gold and silver, it was 3 weeks before I had to use my inhaler one time. I find I am more easily stressed since my surgery, not usual for me to stress at all, and the gold and silver helps me because stress is one of my asthma triggers too. Thanks so much for these products, I tell everyone about them but they want to do what the dr. says…their loss.
Cathy in Mid-Michigan
Opinion 9
From: Leah Megiel
I just wanted to let you know what my experience with Utopia Silver has been. I found your website when I was very ill with a sinus infection. I was looking for something that would bring me relief from the sinus headaches. I found your site and was intrigued after reading all the testimonials regarding sinusitis. I ordered some that day and received it very quickly. Unfortunately, by that time I was already on an antibiotic, but I did use it for the headache and it cleared the pain almost immediately. Well, that’s not the end of my story. Just a few days after I received my shipment, I had a fairly major asthma attack due to allergies. This was a sure thing to trigger bronchitis, I could feel it coming on so I started spraying the CS into my sinuses and taking 3 tablespoons a day (morning, noon and night), along with my multivitamin, chicken broth and lots of hot tea, I have avoided an infection. I am now past the danger zone. Thankfully, I have only suffered from sinusitis/bronchitis for about three years, not long at all based on some of the testimonials I read on your site. But, working part time and also home schooling my kids leaves no time for being sick at all. I am convinced that CS helped me avoid bronchitis. I will continue to use it as a maintenance mineral and will keep you posted.
Blessings, Leah
[I personally can attest to success with Bronchitis. I had Sinusitis and Bronchitis chronically ’till 1998 when I started using colloidal silver regularly. Since then I have had neither problem.]
Opinion 10
Joanne Webster
Dear Utopia Silver
We are new to the Colloidal Silver and I am so delighted and so is my husband. My husband had an appointment with our Dermatologist for rosacea on his nose. This was no trivial thing. First it was a redness and then it turned into an open sore. He used Cortisone ointment as well as Neosporin on it to no avail. After taking the Colloidal Silver for 4 days, it was totally cleared up. He applied it to his nose as well and takes a tablespoon of it every morning. He is so thrilled. We don’t care if it does look like we are trying to sell it because we are now telling our friends about it and one of our friends is going to order it also as well as the gold. Plus he had a sore throat with a swollen and red uvula and it is completely better now. Now as for myself, I have severe allergies and asthma and chronic bronchitis that I have doctored for over 20 years. I have not had to use my cough syrup now for 4 days. I flush out my sinuses 3 times a day with an eyedropper as well as take the tablespoon of Colloidal Silver in the morning. Generally I am up several times at night coughing up phlegm. I am not at all now and sleep the night through already! I have only been on it for a week and have had this wonderful success. Both my husband Vern and I have extremely high expectations with this product. I have to add my thanks to my friend B Mooney in AZ for telling me she has taken the Colloidal Silver for 2 years and has not had a cold or the flu.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks
Joanne Webster
[It is stories like these that keep us going. Someone uses it for years, then tells friends……]
What is Asthma?
Pollutants and other factors in the environment, called triggers, can bring about an asthma attack. Triggers of asthma attack vary from person to person, but common ones include cold air; exercise; allergens such as dust mites, mold, pollen, animal dander, cockroach debris; and some types of viral infections.
When you breathe in, air travels through your nose and/or mouth through a tube called the trachea (commonly called “windpipe”). The trachea divides into bronchi, and these in turn subdivide 16-21 times into a series of smaller tubes (called bronchioles) that lead to the alveoli (air sacs). During an asthma attack, the bronchi and bronchioles become narrowed. Here is how an asthma attack occurs. When the airways come into contact with an asthma trigger, the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles become inflamed. Fluid and cellular debris accumulate in and around the walls making them thicker. At the same time, the muscles around the airways contract (bronchoconstriction), causing the lumen of the airways to become narrower. Narrowing of the airways makes breathing more difficult. Bronchoconstriction can be reversed rapidly with quick acting broncholilators but inflammation takes longer to reverse with slow acting medicines such as corticosteroids.
Asthma strikes across all ages, sexes and racial groups. People who suffer from asthma are exceptionally sensitive to pollutants in the environment. The airways of these people are in a chronic state of inflammation, and any minor exposure to one of the triggers can further stimulate the airways and cause then to constrict making breathing more difficult. The condition is more serious in people with allergies to environmental pollution because an allergic reaction can exacerbate asthma and can trigger asthma symptoms. Having colds and flu makes a person more susceptible to their asthma triggers. It is important to know that asthma episodes do not always occur immediately after a person is exposed to a trigger. Depending on the type of trigger and how sensitive a person is to it, asthma episodes may be delayed.
Asthma Facts and Figures
More people than ever say they are suffering from asthma. It is this country’s most common and costly illness.
- The prevalence of asthma has been increasing since the early 1980s across all age, sex and racial groups. Asthma is more prevalent among children than adults, and among blacks than whites.
- An estimated 26 million Americans suffer from asthma, nearly 8 million are under age 18. It is the most common chronic childhood disease.
- Each day 14 Americans die from asthma.
- Between 1979 and 1992, asthma related death rates increased 58 percent overall. The death rate for children less than 19 years old increased by 78 percent.
- More females die of asthma than males and more blacks die of asthma than whites.
Many asthma-related deaths and hospitalizations are preventable when asthma is properly managed. People with asthma need to recognize early warning signs, avoid asthma triggers, take appropriate medications as prescribed, and seek prompt medical help when problems occur.
- Treatment of asthma in 1998 was estimated to cost $11.3 ion. Hospitalizations accounted for the largest portion of the cost.
- Asthma among children ages 5 to 17, accounts for most school absences.
For adults, asthma is the fourth leading cause of work loss, resulting in nine million lost workdays each year. - Asthma accounts for about 1.8 million emergency room visits and 10 million-doctor offices visits each year.
Who is likely to get asthma?
There are a number of factors that determine if one is likely to have asthma. The events that happen following exposure to an irritant in the air are a normal immune and defensive response. However, in people with asthma, the response may become exaggerated and out of control. Asthmatics may have predisposing conditions such as slightly inflamed airways that makes them more twitchy leading to an exaggerated bronchoconstriction and inflammatory response. Everyone’s airways constrict somewhat in response to irritating substances like dust and mold. In a person with asthma, the airways are hyper reactive. This means that the airways overreact to things that would just be minor irritants in people without asthma.
Doctors do not know for certain why some people get asthma and others do not. However, researchers have found that certain traits make it more likely that a person will develop asthma. To some extent, asthma seems to run in families. People whose brothers, sisters or parents have asthma are more likely to develop the asthma. In such cases, it is prudent to take precautions to avoid allergy and asthma triggers in children who have more likelihood of developing asthma.
How Is Asthma Treated?
There are many things that one can do to control asthma and minimize its impact on one’s life. Because each case of asthma is different, treatment needs to be tailored for each person. One general rule that applies, though, is before starting on medication it is important to protect yourself from asthma triggers. Avoidance of asthma triggers can be accomplished by cleaning up the air that you breathe starting at home. People can start by removing or avoiding the things in the environment that you know are irritants to your health and are factors that make your asthma worse. When these measures are not enough, it may be time to try one of the many medications that are available to control symptoms.
What Are Asthma Triggers?
If you have asthma, it is important to know what irritants and environmental factors can trigger asthma symptoms. These factors vary from person to person. Some of the more common factors or triggers are described here.
Allergens. In many people with asthma, allergy triggers can also trigger an asthma episode. These allergens are suspended in the air and can be inhaled, such as pollen, pet dander, mold, or dust mites. In addition, allergy to food may also precipitate an asthma attach. A severe allergy response is called anaphylactic shock. It is best to avoid exposure to known allergens in order to prevent asthma symptoms.
Tobacco smoke. People are aware that smoking can lead to cancer and heart disease. However, smoking is an important risk factor for people with asthma especially in children. Tobacco smoke is also a common trigger of asthma symptoms for all ages. People with children or other family members who have asthma should not smoke at home. Secondhand smoke (passive smoking) can trigger asthma symptoms in people with the asthma. Studies have shown a clear link between secondhand smoke and asthma, especially in young people.
Exercise. Asthma symptoms can be triggered by physical activities especially in cold air. This is called exercise-induced asthma. Symptoms during exercise may not appear until after several minutes of sustained exercise. The kind of physical activities that can bring on asthma symptoms also include such activities as laughing, crying, holding one’s breath, and hyperventilating (rapid, shallow breathing). The symptoms of exercise-induced asthma usually go away within a few hours. With proper treatment and management, a child with exercise-induced asthma can undertake a normal level of physical activity.
Other factors: Cold air, wind, rain, and sudden changes in the weather can sometimes bring on an asthma episode. Medications like aspirin can also be related to asthma episodes in adults who are sensitive to aspirin. Chemical irritants in the environment can also bring on an asthma episode. These irritants may include paint fumes, smog, aerosol sprays and even perfume. Each case of asthma is unique. If you have asthma, it is important to identify factors or triggers that would provoke asthma episodes. Because the symptoms do not always occur right after exposure, this may take a bit of detective work.
Asthma Management Plan:
Among the tools that a doctor uses to diagnose asthma is a test called spirometry in which pulmonary function is evaluated. Other additional respiratory tests may be needed, spirometry provides a complete set of information about the lungs condition, severity of asthma, and whether it is reversible with a bronchodilator. It is mandatory to diagnose and characterize asthma severity.
Spirometry is recommended:
- At the initial visit
- After treatment is initiated, and symptoms have stabilized, to document attainment of near normal lung function and to establish an appropriate dose of medication.
- At least once every year to confirm conditions of airways.
- Following a change in therapy.
There is no cure for asthma, however, there are several things that your doctor can provide to help you manage asthma and live a long and normal life. The doctor can help you establish a management plan, the goal of which is to help you recognize signs of asthma, avoid triggers, and prevent the symptoms. A good management plan according to the NIH guidelines should accomplish the following:
- A patient should maintain normal activity.
- Pulmonary function should be near normal.
- Chronic and acute symptoms should not be present.
- Recurring visits to the hospital should be minimal.
- Optimal medication regime should be established.
- Patient and family should be satisfied.
Monitoring your asthma:
Spirometry test is a comprehensive procedure done at the doctor’s office to test for lung function. Monitoring of lung conditions, however, can also be done at home using a simple device called a peak flow meter. A peak flow meter provides expiratory peak flow value, which is one of the most important parameters for pulmonary function. A peak flow meter for asthma is like a thermometer for a fever. It’s a tool that is integral to a management plan and helps the patient monitor what’s going in the lungs. Decisions about when to take medicine, when to see a doctor, when not to go to school, or when to participate in physical activity or a social event can be made with confidence.
Asthma should not prevent adults or children from doing anything. Some people are hesitant to do things because they are afraid asthma attack may occur. A quick test with a peak flow meter can give the patient the confidence to proceed with normal activity. Sometimes a person is feeling fine, but a quick test with the peak flow meter may reveal that lung function may be slightly decreased and special caution or more medication may be needed. A peak flow meter can help you determine airway changes and thus, better manage your asthma.
Advanced Colloidal Silver, Colloidal Gold and the other supplements we sell are not medicines and the information and opinions we offer are based upon use of these products as dietary supplements only. No statements contained on this website or in any material or communication generated by Utopia Silver Supplements are to be construed as claims or representations that any of our products are offered as medicines for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease. We recommend that you do comprehensive research about colloidal silver, colloidal gold and all dietary supplements in general before accepting our opinions or the opinions of anyone else about how to care for your health.
We have no doctors on staff and do not offer medical advice concerning colloidal silver, colloidal gold or any other dietary supplements. Although you may choose to supplement with colloidal silver, colloidal gold, and other mineral and vitamin supplements we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness.
Utopia Silver Supplements has not solicited any governmental agency to evaluate or render approval for any statements, opinions, comments, testimonials, descriptions, advertisements, research and/or studies cited on this website and NONE OF THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS CLAIMS OR REPRESENTATIONS THAT ANY UTOPIA SILVER SUPPLEMENTS PRODUCT IS OFFERED AS A DRUG FOR THE DIAGNOSIS, CURE, MITIGATION,TREATMENT OR PREVENTION OF DISEASE.
Utopia Silver Supplements, its’ ownership, management and employees do not assume the role of representative, fiduciary or surety on behalf of any agency(s), person(s), or individual(s) unless expressly agreed to in writing with full disclosure. Anyone purchasing our supplements and/or products is presumed to be a responsible Men and Women with certain God-given unalienable Rights who are making an informed decision about their healthcare. Lawful Notice & Disclaimers
This business for livelihood is conducted within the boundaries of the organic State of Texas, The United States of America. Common Law Copyright & Trademark, 2014-2015 All Rights Are Reserved, Without Prejudice (UCC 1.308)