How is Colloidal Silver most effectively used?

By far the most frequent questions we receive here at Utopia Silver concerning silver are, “Does silver really work?” and “How much silver must I use for it to be effective?” The first question is a moot point in any real world science; silver kills one-celled organisms (germs), period. Any opinion to the contrary is…

Are colloidal silver products safe?

by Ben Taylor ( Advanced Colloidal Silver, taken according to our suggestions, contains less than one third the amount of silver referenced as safe to be taken every day by the EPA (350 micrograms) in their drinking water standards. Utopia Silver Supplement’s suggested daily maintenance serving contains approximately 100 micrograms of silver. That equates to…

Healthy pH Protocol

by Ben Taylor( This Healthy pH Protocol greatly enhances overall healing of the body and also aids the effectiveness of other protocols. This protocol may be used in tandem with whatever other protocols or diets may be used. This is not to say that an alkaline pH is “The most important key” to good health…

Can colloidal silver cause Argyria?

( It is possible that some, saline, nitrate, and gelatinous “colloidal silver” products, with prolonged heavy use, could cause Argyria. The only negative association made to silver supplementation is this condition, a rare phenomenon where silver accumulates in the tissue under the skin causing a blue or grayish tint. Even then, the effects aren’t life…

Detoxification Healing Protocol

( The principal difference in this Detoxification Healing Protocol from the Immune System Booster Protocol is the intensity and amounts of supplements taken for a shorter period, …say one week. If I or a family member were faced with a forced medical procedure, the suggested protocol below might be useful. Exemption Forms Across America NOTICE:…

Thyroid Healing Protocol

This Thyroid Healing Protocol is intended to facilitate the rebuilding of the thyroid gland, generally in the case of Hypothyroidism, which is an under active thyroid function. The most common symptoms are fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss (generally in women), and intolerance to cold. But it can also include any one or a combination…

Pheromone and Testosterone Enhancement Protocol

( We believe that this Pheromone and Testosterone Enhancement Protocol is better than the many different medicines and products on the market that claim to enhance sexual vitality and attraction between men and women. Most are derived from either animal or insect pheromones of which we are very skeptical. It is unlikely that pheromones from…

Stomach and Ulcer Healing Protocol

( This Stomach and Ulcer Healing Protocol will usually give relief to one of the more painful conditions associated with the digestive tract is stomach ulcers, also called peptic ulcers. A peptic ulcer is a spot where the stomach lining or small intestine and the underlying tissues become eroded or damaged, leaving what amounts to…