Colloidal Gold Study

Here are some recent studies done on the effects of colloidal gold in humans. This is not our research and cannot be substantiated first hand. Our product, Colloidal Gold, was not used in this research. Our colloidal gold and silver products contain no chemical or organic additives. We do not use gelatins, proteins, sodiums, iodides,…


Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of optimum health. Allergies are reported to disappear after cleanses and more with each cleanse you do! It can also eliminate shoulder, upper arm and upper back pain. Cleansing the liver, gall-bladder and bile ducts is one of the most powerful protocols that…


Are colloidal silver products safe?

by Ben Taylor ( Advanced Colloidal Silver, taken according to our suggestions, contains less than one third the amount of silver referenced as safe to be taken every day by the EPA (350 micrograms) in their drinking water standards. Utopia Silver Supplement’s suggested daily maintenance serving contains approximately 100 micrograms of silver. That equates to…


Silver Research Bibliography

.There Is No Shortage of Silver Research; by Ben Taylor ( This silver research bibliography was assembled by Dr. A. Bart Flick, the developer of Silverlon, a wound dressing used primarily in burn wards that incorporates a silver wound contact layer in the bandages. Epidermal damage caused by burns are the most difficult to heal…


Colloidal Silver Research & Clinical Studies

Colloidal Silver Research & Clinical Studies by Ben Taylor( It is a common mantra by government agencies and mainstream medicine that, “there are no clinical case studies proving the safety and efficacy of colloidal silver”. The denial isn’t limited to colloidal silver, but to silver in general for that matter. If there were an admission…


Colloidal Silver Research & Clinical Studies

These COLLOIDAL SILVER FREEDOM of SPEECH TESTIMONIALS have been given by Real People (not legal fiction entities or pretend customers) stating their personal experiences as an exercise of their “Freedom of Speech”. COLLOIDAL SILVER is neither a “drug”, nor is it a “medicine”; it is water and mineral. It’s simply a fact of chemistry and…


Common Sense Use of Colloidal Silver

By Ben Taylor MANKIND’S OLDEST NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC Colloidal silver is probably mankind’s oldest natural anti-biotic and anti-viral. As its use has increased in popularity in recent years with each new scare of a plague or pandemic, so has the controversy about its effectiveness, how to use it and how much to use. For those of…


Real Questions With Real Answers

(by Ben Taylor, …and at times in consultation with Dr Ken O’Neal, MD & ND)  ——-At the foundational level and more than anything else, this Real Questions With Real Answers section is about the “God-given Right to Freedom of Speech” which no one and no legal fiction entity or agency has any authority to take…


Colloidal Silver Information

“Advanced Colloidal Silver” is simply a suspension containing 99.99% pure elemental silver, mankind’s oldest natural anti-microbial agent, in de-ionized water. We have advanced from using silver coins and vessels to preserve milk and water and deterring various plagues to now using it in a colloidal form as a natural healing supplement. Advanced Colloidal Silver is…
